There are several advantages to sourcing the purchase of promotional items through the Campus Bookstore, says general merchandise buyer Lynda Leckie—and the campus connection tops her list.
“When you make a purchase at the Campus Bookstore, the money stays on campus and supports UWindsor initiatives compared to when you buy off-campus, the profit remains with the outside vendor,” she says.
Leckie has developed a network of contacts—supporting Canadian-made and local businesses as much as possible—that can help when departments, conferences, student clubs, awareness campaigns need to get a message out.
“Absolutely anything can be ordered,” she says. “Swag, giftware, apparel—we can have it imprinted or embroidered and I will get the best pricing available.”
She points out that students and faculty are entitled to educational pricing for items from Apple or Microsoft, and departmental purchases made on a UWindsor account do not pay taxes: “That’s a huge savings right there.”
To learn more or obtain a quote, contact Leckie at or 519-253-3000, ext. 3220.
Chancellor Ed Lumley and president Alan Wildeman sport silk UWindsor ties from the Campus Bookstore.