Volunteers from across campus will make sure the University of Windsor is well-represented during the Open Streets civic festival, Sunday, September 18.
The event will close an eight-kilometre stretch of roadway to vehicular traffic from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., combining physical activity with community building. The route begins in Sandwich and proceeds down University Avenue to the city centre, from there along Wyandotte Street to Ford City.
It comprises activities along the way, including nine formalized hubs. The University Hub on University Avenue extends from Huron Church Road to California Avenue and will host:
- a teepee set up by the Aboriginal Education Centre;
- free apples and water from Catering Services;
- living statues formed by the School of Dramatic Art;
- fitness classes and Lancer tattoo station courtesy of Athletics and Recreational Services;
- displays of projects by engineering students;
- tours of the Campus Community Garden; and
- an information booth on Healthy Living by the Faculty of Nursing.
“People traffic replaces car traffic, and the streets become paved parks where folks of all ages, abilities, and socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds, can hit the streets on foot, bikes or rollerblades, to mingle and improve their health through an array of outdoor activities,” says Mary-Ann Rennie, who is helping to co-ordinate the University’s participation.
“We invite members of the University community, along with their families and friends, to come out on Sunday morning to participate in this worthwhile community initiative, which follows similar events in more than 100 cities in North America!”
Find more information on Open Streets Windsor, including a map of the route, on the city’s website.