Sep 14th, 2016
The Uni-Com Retirement Learning Centre invites seniors to apply for enrolment in its fall courses, covering a wide range of interests.
Study groups convene once a week starting September 19, for five or nine weeks. Available choices include:
- Poetry for All;
- Muslims and Islam in North America;
- An Intimate Experience with Art;
- Modernism and Post Modernism;
- iPads and iPhones;
- Ancient Greek Civilization;
- Fitness and Self-Defence;
- The Two Hundred Year Legacy of Hiram Walker; and
- Albert Camus: the Myth of Sisyphus and the Outsider.
Most classes take place at Iona College, 208 Sunset Avenue. Find more information or enrol on the Uni-Com website, or phone Uni-Com coordinator Bill McRae at 519-253-3000, ext. 3430.