Career and Employment Services will set up a Pokémon Go lure module outside of Dillon Hall today—Thursday, July 28—at 2:30 p.m. to draw student players to its Cover Letters and Resumes that ROAR workshop scheduled for 3 p.m. in Dillon room 351.
“We recognize that students may be more interested in continuing their quests to ‘Catch ’Em All’ than attending our workshop,” says program development coordinator Meagan Haugh. “We thought we might take the opportunity to raise awareness of our services.”
The centre will have staff on hand to speak with students and promote its ability to help with job search, career planning, work experience, resumé critiques, mock interviews, interest testing, volunteer opportunities, and more—all free for students and alumni.
The more players in one spot, the better the chance of rare Pokémon appearing in the area, Haugh says: “So we hope students will come out, catch some Pokémon and learn more about Career and Employment Services.”