A provincial project to help faculty develop and teach online and blended courses is seeking input on the types of support and resources they need.
The Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities recently provided funding for the development of eCampusOntario, a web portal to support hybrid, online and technology-enabled teaching and learning. The eCampusOntario portal currently showcases over 13,700 courses from 45 colleges and universities across Ontario. It also houses a preliminary set of support resources for faculty and students, with more resources to come as needs are identified.
As part of the ongoing development of the portal, the ministry has also funded a project to identify and develop supports that faculty identify as important in helping them develop online courses.
eCampus Ontario has developed a survey to gather input from faculty to identify the types of supports and relevant resources needed. Faculty input will help shape how support elements are implemented within the portal.
The survey, which is anonymous and should take approximately 10 minutes to complete, is available at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BQCRDFT. Response data will be used only in aggregate to inform the eCampus programming. The deadline for completion of the survey is midnight, Friday, March 18.
Direct any questions about the survey or eCampus Ontario to Nick Baker in the Office of Open Learning at nbaker@uwindsor.ca, 519-253-3000, ext. 4925.