Regular drop-in sessions across campus will give him a chance to hear about aspirations and challenges for the University of Windsor, says provost Douglas Kneale, who will launch a series Monday, September 21, from 1 to 3 p.m. inside the east entrance to the CAW Student Centre.
“A significant part of my job is listening to students, staff, faculty, and other members of our University community,” says Dr. Kneale. “Since coming on board last March, I have met so many co-workers and students, and everyone has been extremely welcoming. The University of Windsor has many great stories to tell—about the classroom, the lab, the field, the office, the wings, the front desk—and I want to hear them.”
He hopes the “Meet the Provost” sessions will encourage people to share their creative suggestions for how to move the University of Windsor forward in achieving its goals.
“Maybe in the process people will learn something about me too,” Kneale says.
He likes to cite a quote from baseball that informs his approach to administration: What gets you in the majors, keeps you in the majors.
“It’s about respecting the basics,” he says. “Keep your eye focused on the teaching and research mission of the University, give people the human and intellectual space to do their job, and then let them get on with it.”
He plans to hold “Meet the Provost” drop-ins at a different campus location every month, usually on the third Monday.