With the opening of classes in September, students will be able to use the newly installed outdoor learning pods along Sunset Avenue to interact, work on projects, or just meet friends and have fun.
According to +VG architects partner in charge of general management and the project designer, Deniss Vass, the pods are structured for maximum flexibility with different seating arrangement, bicycle pods, handicap accessibility, power plugs, proper lighting, and Wi-Fi access.
“Learning is not just sitting in the classroom. Individuals and groups can now meet and study together and interact,” says Vass. “That is why the pods will give the feeling of a campus.”
When the design team asked students where the heart of the university is, they were only able to relate to their faculties, so the designing team worked on creating a friendly circulation spine, unifying the university following its main gate, the Welcome Centre.
The pods are only the first phase of the project. Future phases will include more pods distributed across campus, as well as various activity areas with basketball courts and stage areas.
The design is also intuitive, says Vass. “There will be patterns in the concrete that will lead you to the main interior. You don’t necessarily see it, but you can follow it.”
As for external visitors unfamiliar with the campus, a master directory billboard at the welcome gate will help to guide the way.
“Instead of rushing from one building to the other, or sitting in the corridors, the learning pods are there for everyone to interact or have a moment to sit and enjoy the campus.”