The Windsor International Film Festival (WIFF) will run Tuesday to Sunday, November 3 to 8, executive director Vincent Georgie, a professor at the Odette School of Business, announced.
“We look forward to sharing another year of exciting cinema with our community,” he says.
Over the course of WIFF 2015, the Capitol Theatre will showcase major celebrities, master filmmakers, yet-undiscovered talents, and groundbreaking films, providing patrons with opportunities to access some of the world’s leading films and filmmakers.
“Eleven years ago, WIFF was but a dream,” says Dr. Georgie “Today, it is a fixture in our community. We’re proud of our success, and want to acknowledge and thank the community for their loyal patronage.”
Founded in 2005, WIFF has become one of the most celebrated cultural events in Southwestern Ontario. It has grown from 16 films, 21 screenings, and 2,705 tickets sold in 2005 to 111 films, 186 screenings, and approximately 15,000 tickets sold in 2014.