Danielle Handsor encouraged us to help others and to always keep our spirits up, said one of the students who nominated Handsor to be recognized for her support and empathy.
Student Nominated GEM says Danielle Handsor, MEd Aboriginal Outreach Coordinator, received a “Going the Extra Mile” (GEM) award at a sports themed luncheon earlier last week to honour the contributions of the department.
In her nomination the student wrote that Handsor “helped me keep my morale high when I was feeling defeated.”
Handsor was overwhelmed and thrilled by the award “students are the reason I love my job, and receiving this award is a great accomplishment to me.”
In addition to the student-nominated category, Partner GEM Award went to Health Promotion Nurse, Judi Wilson, Peer Nominated GEM went to Campus Polica Services Sergeant, Michelle Nohra. Barbara Niewitecka and Brooke White shared the Lifetime GEM Award, an award that recognizes staff who throughout their career have provided leadership vision, support to students and/or the Student Affairs team.
“We work very hard for the students, and I could not do that without the team behind me, so this award is for all of us.” said Wilson.
Provost Douglas Kneale said it is important to take the time to acknowledge and thank staff who go the extra mile for students.
“University is all about students, and I realize the great work you do in support of our students, to graduation and careers, and everything in between.”
“So on behalf of all of us I want to say we recognize, acknowledge and celebrate the outstanding work that you do to our students.” said Provost Kneale.
Clayton Smith, Vice-Provost, Student Affairs and Dean of Students, says GEM grabs the spirit of Student and International Affairs as “it recognize people who really gave to our students in exceptional ways, and that is what GEM is all about.”