Three artists with ties to the UWindsor campus will participate in the Art Gallery of Windsor’s exhibition, Border Cultures: Part Three (security, surveillance), one of its winter shows celebrating their openings with a public reception Friday, January 30.
Sessional instructor José Séoane will exhibit painted work that curator Srimoyee Mitra believes speaks to the theme.
“Moving back and forth between these internal and external boundaries, (the show) proposes the border as a site of struggle between personal subjectivities and systems of power,” she says. “Artists are the key agents here as their work moves from the symbolic and materiality of the border to a psychological and intimate space of despair, hope and desire.”
Alumnus Alex McKay (BFA 1990) will show Treaty Canoe, his performance/sculpture/installation piece that incorporates treaties penned onto handmade linen paper, as well as a collaboration with staffer Tory James—Treaty Canoe Voyager, which the two plan to send across Canada in a paddle relay.
“We want it to end its journey in Ottawa for Canada’s 150th birthday on July 1, 2017, bearing bundles of treaties,” says James.
Friday’s reception opens at 7 p.m. Admission is $7, free for gallery members. The Art Gallery of Windsor is located at 401 Riverside Drive West.