Thousands of prospective students and members of their families will visit the UWindsor campus for its Fall Open House on Friday, November 7.
Zora Savic, communication and events coordinator in the student recruitment office, asks that faculty, staff and students make sure they feel welcome.
“The day will offer them information on academic programs, financial support and campus services and we want every student leaving with the feeling that we want them here,” she says. “The community always does its part and we hope that this year will continue this long tradition.”
New this year, a tent located in the Student Courtyard between Dillon and Memorial halls will provide a high-visibility check-in area, complementing the counter in the CAW Student Centre. Recruitment staff will help direct guests to presentations and tours of the campus, its facilities and residences.
“Our success requires everyone’s contributions, from academic advisors to food services,” says Savic. “No matter how cold the weather, we want to show visitors a warm welcome to Windsor.”