Contractors working near the UWindsor campus are concerned that pedestrians may not understand the hazards of entering their worksites, reports Susan Mark, executive director of Facility Services.
“The construction along California Avenue involves heavy machinery, open excavation, and large piles of supplies,” she says. “No one should attempt to cross through this area.”
She says the contractor plans to raise additional fencing out of concern that people have been walking through the construction zone.
“I certainly hope that people understand the need to pay close attention even as they pass near the site,” says Mark. “The activity can change at any minute with trucks entering and leaving, equipment being moved, and various other dangers.”
The project includes upgrading watermains, sewage and storm piping; widening California Avenue to accommodate metred and permit parking; installing traffic islands; and adding signal lights at its intersection with University. It is slated for completion by the start of the fall semester.