The University of Windsor will move to 13-week academic sessions that include a Reading Week in each of fall, winter, and inter/summer semesters under a proposal approved by Senate.
Each semester would feature 12 weeks of instruction as well as a one-week break. The proposal will not change six-week courses that run during intersession or summer session.
Adding a fall reading week can contribute to student success, says acting provost Bob Orr.
“We appreciate that students at every level have different learning styles and experience various stressors during a term, both academic and personal,” he says. “Our intention is that introducing breaks in both semesters will support our students’ goals related to academic success.”
The University will implement the change in fall 2014, introducing a break through the week following Thanksgiving. Rob Crawford, president of the University of Windsor Students’ Alliance, says students welcome Fall Reading Week.
“This is something that students have been pushing for,” he says. “We are very excited to see the consideration given to addressing our needs.”