The Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation, and Rhetoric presents Marc Angenot, widely considered to be the father of social discourse theory, delivering a free public lecture entitled “The Conspiratorial Mind: A dialectical and rhetorical history,” in Vanier Hall’s Oak Room at 4 p.m. Thursday, November 7.
Dr. Angenot is a professor in the French Language and Literature Department at McGill University, where he holds the James McGill Research Chair on Social Discourse. His vast body of work encompasses intellectual history, linguistics, politics, semiotics, rhetoric and informal logic, as well as literary theory.
Some of his works include: Les Champions des Femmes. Examen du discours sur la supériorité des femmes, 1400-1800; Critique of Semiotic Reason; Rhétorique de l’anti-socialisme; and Dialogues de sourds: traité de rhétorique antilogique.