Mike Bates, Gevethan NadesamoorthyAlumni Association president Mike Bates presents a semester’s tuition waiver to first-year engineering student Gevethan Nadesamoorthy.

Welcoming celebration rallies new students to UWindsor banner

Oh me oh my, wasn’t that a party?

Throbbing bass and flashing video egged on thousands of screaming students Wednesday in the St. Denis Centre, as the Class of 2017 joined the Welcoming Celebration, a pep rally to usher members into the University of Windsor.

Nursing student Oreoluwa Ayo-Olaniyan said the atmosphere was electric.

“We screamed our heads off and had so much fun,” she said as she and friends spilled out into the bright sun. She said she also enjoyed the academic orientation sessions earlier in the day: “The professors were so nice.”

Besides an appearance by Lancer mascot Winston, the rally featured addresses by dean of students Clayton Smith and Rob Crawford, president of the University of Windsor Students’ Alliance, as well as a performance by UWindsor president Alan Wildeman, who was joined onstage by an impromptu percussion ensemble of music students.

Engineering student Gevethan Nadesamoorthy won the draw of a semester’s tuition, sponsored by the Alumni Association. While he was too overwhelmed to speak after collecting his prize, association president Mike Bates (BHK 1995, MBA 2004) said his group is pleased to offer the award.

“We give back because our university has given us so much,” he said. “It’s great to be able to do something nice for a student—not having to worry about tuition is one less stress for a kid.”

Drama students head into the St. Denis Centre for the Welcoming Celebration.

Students in each program showed their pride.

Hard-hatted engineering students wave foam fingers declaring Lancers “No. 1.”

Music students drum up rhythm for a performance by UWindsor president Alan Wildeman.

Classes begin today and Windsor Welcome Week continues with Adrenaline Rush inflatable carnival between Dilllon and Chrysler halls, cultural performances in the Student Courtyard tent, and comedian Trevor Boris.

Tomorrow’s activities include a barbecue for transfer students and an evening toga party. Find a full list of event descriptions, locations and times at www.uwindsor.ca/windsorwelcome.