The relationship between post-secondary institutions and their host communities is the subject of a symposium of the Town and Gown Association of Ontario, in Windsor from May 12 to 14.
The symposium, entitled “Bridging our Future,” is sponsored by the City of Windsor, in partnership with the University of Windsor, St. Clair College, Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island and the Windsor Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Association.
It will focus on strategies municipalities have undertaken to introduce post-secondary educational hubs in their centres to foster vibrant and economically prosperous downtowns.
The City of Windsor is no stranger to this phenomenon, with the infusion of downtown campuses by both the University of Windsor and St. Clair College. The Windsor model will be highlighted through a panel discussion featuring mayor Eddie Francis, UWindsor president Alan Wildeman, and St. Clair College president John Strasser.
Other UWindsor content includes:
- Provost Leo Groarke delivering a case study of the development of post-secondary campuses in Brantford and Windsor;
- Representatives of the University of Windsor Students’ Alliance, police and licensing agencies discussing the success of the Coming Home Music Festival; and
- Mary Medcalf, field administrator in the School of Social Work, outlining its community involvement projects and their impact on development, research and training.
Registration and a welcoming reception open the conference Sunday evening; sessions Monday are at the St. Clair Centre for the Arts and Tuesday on the University of Windsor campus. Find more information, including a full agenda and online registration, on the symposium website.