Academic and administrative units may seek revenue by accepting advertising on their websites under a policy approved by the University.
The University is sensitive to the impact advertising could have on its reputation, says web communications director John Powell.
“The policy is meant to ensure consistent and appropriate advertisements on our web pages,” he says. “Any commercial activities must support the academic mission of the University.”
To that end, the policy sets out guidelines for the content, design and location of advertisements, and requires that agreements receive approval from the chief communications officer. In addition, a portion of the revenue from any advertising contract must be used to support student interests, with the balance directed to a specific University unit.
“We understand that there is the opportunity to generate some revenue,” Powell says. “The policy establishes a balance between the opportunity for partnerships, the need for resources, and the desire to protect our institutional reputation for academic excellence.”
The entire Advertising Recognition Policy, including samples and an agreement form, is available at