Presentation to address care of patients with diabetes

Nursing professor Judy Bornais will discuss ways health professionals can improve their care for patients with diabetes in a free public brown-bag presentation on Monday, November 19, in room 203, Toldo Health Education Centre.

Her talk, entitled “Patient safety issues related to the care of patients with diabetes,” will assist participants in recognizing insulin as a high-alert medication and will identify common insulin errors affecting patient care. She will discuss ways to minimize errors related to diabetes management.

Professor Bornais is an experiential learning specialist in the Faculty of Nursing. Her research focuses on diabetes care, simulation in health care education, and inter-professional health care. She is a Certified Diabetes Educator.

This event will run 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Attendees are welcome to bring their lunches—and are invited to bring their own clickers. Please register using the online form at

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