Consistently offering friendly, helpful service strengthens the University of Windsor’s reputation as a welcoming campus, says President Alan Wildeman.
A new initiative launched this week by the Department of Human Resources will promote responsive, reliable and courteous service to students, faculty, staff and visitors.
“When a commitment to service excellence is extended to the entire campus, we not only strengthen one of our fundamental values but we more easily enable our community to benefit from the value we create,” Dr. Wildeman said.
The Service Excellence initiative encompasses educational materials, training opportunities, and a new recognition program for employees who provide an exceptional experience.
The education campaign centres on a series of standards developed in consultation with staff and clients, says Marcela Ciampa, manager of employee engagement and development. She has produced posters and desktop calendars listing the standards as well as a guidebook to putting them into practice.
“The standards provide a good framework and from there we can build the exceptional experience,” says Ciampa. “When we follow them, we provide the best possible service to our students, faculty, staff and other service users.”
Find more information, including the full list of standards, the Service Excellence Guide and feedback forms to share positive experiences or offer suggestions to improve, on the program’s Web site.
Watch a video about the program by producer Chris Kolonelos of the Centre for Teaching and Learning.