The University of Windsor has struck a series of subcommittees to guide the development of its downtown sites.
Reporting directly to the Downtown Campus Steering Committee chaired by provost Leo Groarke are:
- Executive Building Committee, chair Veronika Mogyorody
- Academic Program Scheduling, chair Greg Marcotte
- Administration & Finance Support Team, chair Mark Charlton
- Collaborative partnerships, chair Sandra Aversa
- Communications & Marketing, chair Holly Ward
- Development & Fundraising, chair Jonathan Braniff
- Financial Issues – Armouries, chair Dave Butcher
- Financial Issues – Windsor Star, chair Dave Butcher
- Logistics, chair TBD
- Student Support Services, chair Clayton Smith
- Teaching & Learning Support, chair Alan Wright
Please direct any questions or concerns on these matters to the subcommittee chairs. The full membership of each committee is listed on the downtown campus Web site.