Power to Change is a student-led Christian group, helping students discover the relevance of Jesus in all areas of life, through weekly events, discipleship groups, prayer and community.
Fall 2020 programs and events:
- Weekly discipleship groups (small groups of men/women studying the Bible and growing together)
- Prayer meetings throughout the week
- Large group events every Friday throughout the semester, both online and in smaller year groups. The focus is to equip students in their faith and engage our campus/friends with the gospel.
How you can get involved:
- Join a weekly discipleship group - see social media for times
- Attend a prayer meeting - see their social media for times
- Join them for our weekly meetings, every Friday at 7pm
Connect with Power to Change
- p2c.com/students/campuses/university-of-windsor/
- Instagram: @p2cuwindsor
- Facebook: Power to Change - University of Windsor
- Email: p2c@uwindsor.ca
Student Group