1. Master of Management Program
The University of Windsor’s Odette School of Business Call for Master of Management Instructors for Winter 2025/Spring 2025 has ended. Thank you for your interest.
To be added to the Master of Management Instructor Interest List or update your information on the Interest List, please send an email to cepe@uwindsor.ca with the Subject Line- Master of Management Instructor Interest List.
2. Master of Social Work for Working Professionals Program
The University of Windsor's School of Social Work Call for MSWwp Instructors for the Summer 2025, Fall 2025 and Winter 2026 has ended. Thank you for your interest.
Should you wish to be added to the Master of Social Work for working Professionals Interest List or update your information on the Interest List, please send an email to cepe@uwindsor.ca with the Subject Line- MSWwp Interest List.
3. Master of Engineering (Automotive Option) Program
The Centre for Executive and Professional Education at the University of Windsor is not seeking instructors for their Master of Engineering (Automotive Option) program at this time.
However, you are encouraged to add yourself to the Interest List; please send an email to Denise Lauzon in Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering.