Leadership Courses
To register, click on the images below:
January 17, 2025
Our ministry is guided by the respect we have for our congregants & by their having entrusted us with their spiritual well-being. When we do not respect their separateness or use their vulnerabilities to satisfy our personal needs, we have violated boundaries & betrayed a sacred trust. Healthy boundaries are a gift. They are helpful guidelines that give shape to our relationships. In ministry situations boundaries clarify who is the congregant and who is the mentor, not in a hierarchical way, but in a manner that prevents the unhealthy merging of individuals. Boundaries create safe spaces & help to build trust over time. (From Faithtrust Institute)
January 25, 2025
Boundaries to keep parishioners safe are essential and rightly emphasized in introductory boundary courses. This course is a supplemental course for those in placements and ministry to identify when, cope with, and move forward in instances of parishioners, colleagues, and leaders monopolizing time, misusing power, manipulating through donations or compensation, and bullying, to empower clergy to stay healthy and strengthen their ministry for and with ALL people to whom they are called to serve.
Spirtual Formation
June/July 2025
This course emphasizes personal contemplative prayer as vital for both our relationship with God and effective ministry. It covers Biblical teachings, the early desert fathers’ & mothers’ contemplative tradition, and the spirituality, theology, and psychology of prayer. The course also explores various Christian prayer practices such as lectio divina, Ignatian prayer, centering prayer, Christian meditation, and the awareness examen, with a particular focus on BIPOC perspectives on contemplative practice.
Lay Reader Courses
The Essex Deanery Lay Leadership Training Classes are given as single-day courses at Canterbury College.
There are no Tuition costs for these classes but you may be asked to purchase a book if able. If there is a ministry you feel called to please speak with your Rector. Classes are from 10:00 am - 2:30 pm with 30 minutes for lunch. All are welcome.
Sat Feb 15th Systematic Theology
Sat Mar 15th Prayer/Rule of Life
Sat May 17th to be decided
Sat Sept 20th to be decided
Sat Nov 15th to be decided
For further information contact Rev'd. Kimberly Myer at kimmyer@diohuron.org or to register, contact Rev'd. Elise Chambers at elisechambers@diohuron.org.