Alumni Award of Merit

Presented to a graduate for distinguished accomplishments which have brought honour to the University of Windsor.


  • The nominee must be a graduate of the University of Windsor.
  • The reputation, achievements and contributions of the nominee must bring honour and prestige to the University of Windsor.
  • The nominee should demonstrate excellence in one or more fields, including, but not limited to: any field of human endeavour, singular contributions to the cultural or spiritual life of a community, or for outstanding personal service rendered to the University over a period of years.
  • The following persons will not normally be considered as nominees: Active politicians currently in office and/or current serving members of the Alumni Board of Directors.

Nomination Procedure:

  • Nominations are accepted throughout the year.
  • Completed nomination forms must be received by July 1. Nominations received after this date will be considered for three years.
  • The Alumni Affairs will prepare a list of candidates to be reviewed by the selection committee by August 30 and the process completed by September 1.
  • Alumni Award of Merit will be presented at the Alumni Awards of Excellence Eventm held in the Spring each year.

The Nomination Package will consist of the following:

  • A completed nomination form.
  • The nominee’s CV/Resume.
  • A biographical sketch no more than two pages or 500 words.
  • Two letters of support.

Selection Process:

  • In any given year, the pool of eligible nominees shall consist of all valid nominations received within the previous 36 months. The Committee will solicit updates, when deemed necessary, via an update form to be forwarded to the nominator.
  • The nominees will be reviewed according to the eligibility criteria using the information submitted in the nomination package.
  • The Committee will review each nomination on its own merit and shall vote as to whether that nominee is included on the list of candidates.
  • A maximum of three awards may be given in any one year.
  • The recipients(s) will be notified by the President of the Alumni Association.

Note: If no acceptable nominations are received, the staff will solicit nominations for consideration. 

Alumni Award of Merit - Nomination Form

(List in chronological order if not already on Resume/CV)
(List in chronological order if not already on Resume/CV)
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx xls xlsx.
(no more than two pages or 500 words)
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx xls xlsx.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx xls xlsx.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx xls xlsx.

Submit completed nomination package by July 1.