
The Organization of Part-time University Students (OPUS) at the University of Windsor has as its major goal to ensure equal opportunity to quality education for all part-time undergraduate students.

The OPUS Board of Directors, made up of volunteer part-time students, is committed to serving the interests of part-time students regardless of race, creed, colour, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.

The primary function OPUS performs is advocacy, through participation in the decision-making process of university governance. OPUS serves on the University of Windsor’s Board of Governors, the Senate and numerous other University committees where decisions are made that affect part-time students, such as accessibility, course and programme offerings, fees, student services and quality of student life.

OPUS has come a long way from what it was in the beginning. What it became is the result of a dedicated few: a confident and progressive organization respected by all who have come into contact with it.

How, back in the early years, OPUS struggled to influence change in University policies toward its students, finally, paying attention to their legitimate, collective needs and concerns, is enlightening. The result, in retrospect, is that the whole University community benefited, making the institution more relevant: responsive, open and transparent in all its deliberations. The University of Windsor, with roots in Assumption College (founded in1857), inherited all its traditions when it opened its doors in1963. But it would take OPUS another thirteen more years, years of struggle and setbacks before it became a reality and legally established.

Learn more about the history of OPUS.