Dr. Debbie Sheppard-LeMoine, PhD, RN
Dean and Professor
Research Focus:
- International Family Nursing Practices
- Social and Cultural Determinants of Health
- Strengths Based Interventions
- Vulnerable populations with a focus on families experiencing poverty
- Public Health and Community Practices that Impact Families' Lives
- Enhanced Home Visiting Practices
- Collaborative Practices in Primary Health Care
- Interprofessional Family Assessment Development facilitated by Clinical Simulation and Standardized Patients
- Global Family Nursing Practices during CoVid
- Experiences of Families of Long Term Care Residents during CoVid
Room 336A Toldo HEC
519.253.3000, x2259 (Joy Lesperance, Dean's Secretary)
Prof. Judy Bornais, RN, BA, BScN, MSc, CDE
On leave as Associate Vice-President, External, commencing March 4, 2024 to August 31, 2028
Academic Ancillary Staff III - Experiential Learning Specialist
Teaching Leadership Chair
Research Focus:
- Diabetes care
- Simulation in health care education
- Inter-professional health care
- Teaching and Learning in higher educations
519.253.3000, x2269
Prof. Natalie Bownes, RN, BScN, MScN, PhD (student)
Academic Ancillary Staff II - Clinical Practice Learning Specialist: Years 1 & 3 Clinical
Research Focus:
- Clinical Teaching in Nursing
- Mentorship of Clinical Instructors
- Nursing Education
Room 318 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000, x4383
Dr. Jamie Crawley, RN, BScN, BA (Psychology), BA (Sociology), MBA, PhD
Associate Professor
Research Focus:
- Health Inequities
- Health Disparities
- Social Determinants of Health
- Equity-Deserving Groups
Room 319 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000, x4816
Dr. Edward Cruz, RN, CCNE, DMD, BScN, BN, MEdM, MScN, PhD
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs
Research Focus:
- Nursing Education
- Internationally Educated Nurses
- Human Resources for Health
- Immigrant Health
- Interprofessional Education and Collaboration
- CoRe-SHINE - Collaborative Research on Social care
Room 322 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000, x2263
Prof. Susan Dennison, RN, BScN, MScN, CCNE, CPPS
Academic Ancillary Staff III - Clinical Practice Learning Specialist
Clinical Lead for Level 2 and 4 BScN Undergraduate Program
Research Focus:
- Patient and Medication Safety
- Clinical Education
- Peer Mentoring
- Mentorship
- Preceptor Education
Room 308 Toldo HEC
519.253-3000, x4390
Prof. Rachel Elliott, RN, BScN, MScN, PhD (c)
Research Focus:
- Trauma-informed care
- Undergraduate nursing education
- Simulation and Experiential Learning
- Health Impacts of Trauma and Violence
- Nursing Interventions
Room 328 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000, x2264
Dr. Laurie Freeman, RN, BScN, MSN, PhD
Associate Professor
Research Focus:
- Pre-Diabetes and Continuous Glucose Monitoring
- Nursing Satisfaction
- Simulation in Nursing
- Technology and teaching
- Cancer (survivorship issues and decision making)
Room 302 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000, x2278
Dr. Natalie Giannotti, RN, BHK, MN, PhD
Assistant Professor
Research Focus:
- Gestational diabetes
- Diabetes prevention
- Health promotion
- Medication Incident Reporting
- Patient Safety/Safer Healthcare Systems
- Impact of Leadership in Nursing
- Best Practices in Nursing Education
Room 316 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000, x4988
Dr. Sebastian Gyamfi, RMN, BSc, MPhil, PhD
Assistant Professor
Research Focus:
- Stigma and Mental Illness
- Mental Health Equity
- Structural Violence
- Influences of Religiocultural Beliefs
- Stigma Perception Appraisal
- Mental Health Promotion
- Housing and Homelessness
- Vulnerable populations
- Theory/Model development
Room 313 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000, x6117
Dr. Debbie Kane, RN, BScN, MScN, PhD
Acting Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies
Research Focus:
- Women's health
- Workplace wellness
- Public health
Room 302 Chrysler Hall Tower
519.253.3000, x2107
Dr. Kelly Kennedy, RN, BScN, MScN, PhD
Assistant Professor
Research Focus:
- Pediatric Health
- Maternal and Child Health
- Women's Health
Room 310 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000, x2283
Prof. Amanda McEwen, RN, BSc (Honours Bio.), BScN, MScN, CCSNE
Academic Ancillary Staff - Experiential Learning Specialist
Research Focus:
- Simulation in nursing education
- Hand hygiene adherence and healthcare associated infections
- Effect moderation/interaction effects (research methodology)
Room 3126 Medical Education Building
519.253.3000, x2248
Dr. Noeman Mirza, RN, BScN, PhD
Associate Professor
Research Focus:
- Complex reasoning
- Care transitions
- Rural aging
- Gerontology: Conceptualizing and managing health complexities experienced by older adults with a particular interest in rural aging, social determinants of health, environmental impacts, healthcare restructuring, care transitions, and the health of equity-denied groups.
- Education: Teaching towards a sense of complexity with specific interests in practice readiness and the development of innovative teaching-learning strategies that assist students to conceptualize, reason through, and respond to complex care situations.
Room 326 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000, x2275
Dr. Sherry Morrell, RN(EC), BScN, Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner Certificate, MN, MCISc (Wound Healing), PhD
Assistant Professor and PHCNP Graduate Coordinator
Research Focus:
- Nurse Practitioner
- Nursing Education
- Wound care
Room 306 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000, x4389
Dr. Kathy Pfaff, RN, BScN, MSc, PhD
Associate Dean, Graduate Programs
Research Focus:
- Interprofessional Collaboration
- New Graduate Nurse Transition
- Rural Community Health Care
- Health care systems
- Palliative care
Room 301 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000, x4977
Dr. Gina Pittman, BScN, MN-NP, PhD
Assistant Professor and NP Clinical Placement Coordinator
Research Focus:
- NP prescribing
- NP practice
Room 314 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000, x4812
Dr. Jody Ralph, RN, BSc, BScN, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor
Great Lakes Biennial Nursing Conference (GLBNC) Chair
Research Focus:
- Cancer research
- Gene-environment interactions
- Nursing education
- Disease pathophysiology
- Altered nutrition
Room 304 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000, x2271
Professor Padma Ravi, RN, BSc (M.B.F), BScN, MN, CPPS, PhD (student)
Research Focus:
- Interprofessional Collaborative Practices
- Self-Management of Chronic Health Challenges
- Health Outcomes (Patient Safety, Quality Improvement)
Dr. Debbie Rickeard, RN, BScN, BA, MScN, DNP, CCRN, CNE
Academic Ancillary Staff - Experiential Learning Specialist
Research Focus:
- Preceptor education
- Health literacy
Room 3124 Medical Education Building
519.253.3000, x4993
Dr. Jane Simanovski, RN (EC), NP-C, BScN, MScN, PhD
Assistant Professor
Research Focus:
- Lung transplantation
- Sleep quality
- Health related quality of life
- Patient related outcome measures
- Nurse Practitioners
Room 315 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000, x6121
Professor Heather Sweet, RN, BScN, MN, PhD(student)
Research Focus:
- Social Determinants of healh
- Health Equity
- Nursing Education
- Disability and healthcare
Room 330 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000 x2257
Dr. Eric Tanlaka, RN, BScN, MScN, PhD
Assistant Professor
Research Focus:
- Neuroscience nursing
- Stroke rehabilitation care
- Philosophy in nursing research
- Theories in nursing research
Room 320 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000, x3770
Dr. Joanne Tay, RN, MPH, PhD
Assistant Professor
Research Focus:
- Child and Adolescent Health
- Complex Care (Pediatrics)
- Pediatric Palliative Care
- Quantitative Research Methodology
Room 317 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000 x6118
Professor Sara Williams, RN, MN, PhD (student)
Ancillary Academic Staff – Indigenization Learning Specialist
Room 322 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000 x4322
Professor Brooke Wuerch, RN, BScN, MScN, Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner
Academic Ancillary Staff II - Nurse Practitioner Learning Specialist
Room 315 Toldo HEC
519.253.3000 x4384