To our entire University of Windsor Community:
I want everyone to know that the University of Windsor is actively monitoring issues and responding to concerns associated with the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
At this time, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit continues to report that there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Windsor and Essex County, and that the overall risk remains low for local residents and our campus community. But there is obviously increasing concern now that the World Health Organization has declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic, and the University must be in a position to respond if any cases of the virus are confirmed in Windsor-Essex. We are following the advice of health-care professionals and are in constant contact with many Ontario universities to share information.
We are actively planning for the remainder of the academic semester including classes and examinations as well as on-campus events. Presently, we are working to find ways to support a range of delivery methods as alternatives to face-to-face classes that professors and instructors can adopt. More information about potentially moving to online courses and alternative delivery methods will be available soon to support faculty and instructors, should this become necessary.
With regard to the final examination period, at this time there is no change to the schedule. Should decisions be made to alter the schedule, we will communicate this.
The health and safety of members of the campus community remains and will continue to remain our top priority. We encourage everyone to exercise discretion and to follow the guidelines for illness prevention outlined on the Government of Ontario Coronavirus website.
Although the University of Windsor has not made any determinations with regard to the holding of events for large groups, we encourage individuals to consider the risks involved to both participants and the general public, in deciding whether or not to continue. We are continuing to monitor this situation very closely.
Students, staff and faculty are encouraged to visit our information website, which is regularly updated. It provides up-to-date information to our community members on prevention, best public health practices, risks, as well as links to a wide-range of other websites providing information related to COVID-19.
The University has also made answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on COVID-19 available to the campus community.
We have also established a Pandemic Planning Committee which meets regularly and is reviewing all aspects of how we minimize risk to our community and also support the development of emergency preparedness strategies going forward. The committee is also co-ordinating efforts through ongoing co-operation with other post-secondary institutions; the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit; and both the provincial and federal governments through the Council of Ontario Universities and Universities Canada. The senior management of the University of Windsor is also meeting, on a daily basis, to assist with information flow and risk mitigation.
Here is a list of other resources:
Students, staff, or faculty can also consult the Ontario government webpage — www.ontario.ca/coronavirus — for further information on symptoms, prevention, and travel-health advice.
For students with immediate concerns about their health, please make an appointment with Student Health, Counselling and Wellness Services, which is located on the second floor of the CAW Student Centre (519-973-7002), or contact your off-campus physician. Information is also available on the Student Health Services website.
Faculty and staff with health concerns, please contact your health-care provider. Links to additional information and resources on COVID-19 can be found at:
- https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection.html
- https://www.publichealthontario.ca/en/diseases-and-conditions/infectious-diseases/respiratory-diseases/novel-coronavirus
- https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/index.html
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWTszCYPu90
We know the uncertainties of this rapidly changing situation are creating many challenges on campus. We are working to safeguard the health and safety of the campus community, and will be in touch regularly with more information.
—Robert Gordon, President