
Career Workshops

Expand your job search skills by attending a career workshop.

Career workshops provide a strong foundation on various topics of career exploration and job search in a peer-supported environment. From resume building and interview tips to optimizing your LinkedIn profile and using AI for your job search, we offer a wide variety of online and in-person workshops to help students expand their skill set and gain a competitive edge. Career workshops are offered each term and are free to all UWindsor students and alumni. Workshops are a great way to master the basics before a one-on-one appointment.

To register for a career workshop:

  • Log in to mySuccess
  • Search for the Career Events Calendar
  • Select the workshop you are interested in and reserve your spot.
  • Workshops are presented in a hybrid format. Students can select to attend in-person or virtually.
  • We are committed to providing equal access to this workshop for all participants.  If you require accommodations, alternative formats, or other specific needs, please contact us at with your request, preferably before 3 business days prior to the workshop you plan to attend.

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Types of career workshops

Learn how to create powerful resumes that will get noticed by employers.

Learn about format and content for effective cover letters.

Learn how to create effective skill statements that will communicate your value to employers.

Searching for a job can itself feel like a full-time job. Learn how to effectively use job boards and online searches to start your job search and how to work smarter, not harder, by tapping into potential job opportunities before they are advertised.


Learn about different types of interview questions and what steps to take before, during, and after an interview to successfully sell yourself to an employer.

Discover how you can use LinkedIn and social media to brand and market yourself, network, and do valuable career research that can give you an advantage.

Learn how to write effective personal statements that will help your graduate and professional school applications to stand out.

Discuss preparation tips for professional school admission interviews and learn strategies to effectively answer questions.  Ideal for students applying to Medical or Dental School, Occupational or Physiotherapy programs, or other professional programs where an admission interview is required.

This workshop is NOT for job interviews.

A series of workshops for graduate students looking for help with career planning:

  • CV Writing
  • What Careers Can I Do with a Graduate Degree?
  • Preparing for a Career in Academia
  • An Introduction to Marketing Your Skills with a Teacher Dossier 
  • I'm Going to Google You: ePortfolios and Building Your Online Brand