Wellness Groups Descriptions

A beige background with hands framing a cube shape. Text: Transform your Life with Fresh Perspectives.Transform your life with Fresh Perspectives: CBT

Students learn to identify and question how their thoughts and beliefs relate to the emotional and behavioural reactions that cause them difficulty. It provides students tools and teaches skills to help change our unhelpful patterned ways of thinking. 



A black background with an optical illusion image of two gray faces looking at each other and the space between them creates the image of a vase. Text: Living a Skillful Life. Living a Skillful Life: DBT 

Teaches students to accept their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours while using techniques to facilitate change with a focus on social and emotional aspects of living. 



A blue background and a person with arrows with text: Reclaim your Power.

Reclaim your Power: Codependency and Adult Relationships 

Students learn how attachment and communication styles, people pleasing, and boundary setting can affect relationships we have with ourselves and others. We look at “red flags” leading to toxic/unhealthy relationships, and how to become mindful when paying attention to red flags.  



A blue background with the neurodiversity infinity symbol with text: Navigating Neurodiversity.

Navigating Neurodiversity: Executive Functioning Skills Group 

Students will be introduced to DBT skills in a way that is more easily digested for neurodiverse brains. Along with learning DBT skills, students will learn strategies to help neurodivergent students navigate school and relationships through the support of one another, and through knowledge and information from facilitators. 




A beige background with person sitting in meditative pose with text: Feelin' Mindful. Feelin’ Mindful, Might deep breathe later: Mindfulness  

DBT Mindfulness. Students learn and practice skills that allow them to be in the moment and become self-aware of what is happening within them and outside of them. It helps students slow down, remove judgement, and accept things as they are.  




A beige and blue background with text: Sh!t Happens.

Sh!t Happens: Distress Tolerance  

 Pain and distress are a part of life and can sometimes be unavoidable. Students will learn and practice skills that help them regulate their nervous system in times of distress.




A map with blue text: Roadmap to Relationships.

Roadmap to relationships: Interpersonal Effectiveness  

DBT Interpersonal Effectiveness. Students will learn to navigate relationships with others, but also with themselves. Learn what gets in the way of being effective, identifying needs, and getting those needs met.


A person with a picture of a person on a name tag with text: CEO of My Emotions.

CEO of my Emotions: Emotional Regulation  

DBT Emotional Regulation. Students will learn about emotions and their purpose so they can better identify and regulate them when they appear.


A blue background with overlapping speech bubbles. text: OMG, same! MENtal Health Support Group.

OMG, same! MENtal Health Support Group 

A space where male students can come together and share experiences of what it means to them to be a man in todays society. Group members are encouraged to support one another with their own stories while male facilitators connect knowledge and information to the presenting challenges being discussed. Topics may include, but are not limited to, societal/familial expectations for male roles, emotional assumptions, toxic masculinity, dating etc.



A purple background with overlapping speech bubbles. text: OMG, same! Girl Talk Support Group.

OMG, same! Girl Talk Support Group

A space where female students can come together and share their experiences and challenges of being a woman. Group members are encouraged to support one another with their own stories while female facilitators connect knowledge and information to the presenting challenges being discussed. Topics may include, but are not limited to, societal/familial expectations for female roles, dating, friendships, mood shifts related to hormones etc. 



A yellow background with overlapping speech bubbles. text: OMG, same! Anti-social, Social Group.OMG, same! Anti-social, Social Group

A space where students that are challenged by social anxiety can come together and learns ways to tolerate their anxiety while in a social setting. Facilitators will support students in system regulation and navigate conversations around what might get in the way of being social, social skills, and negative beliefs and ways of thinking.