External Awards for Faculty and Students

External Awards and Fellowships

The following awards and fellowships are available for researchers who excel in their fields. The Office of the Vice-President, Research will provide guidance and support for University of Windsor faculty and students interested in applying for or nominating individuals for these awards.  Below is a list of some featured awards available to both scholars and students. 

The Canada Council for the Arts Award(s)

The Killam Award, administered by The Canada Council for the Arts, provides support for distinguished Canadian scholars conducting research in the fields of engineering, health sciences, natural sciences, social sciences or humanities. Usually, one prize is awarded each year in each of the five fields. The award is available for scholars conducting research in Canada in universities, hospitals, research or scientific institutes or other similar institutions. The primary goal of the award is to recognize scholars with distinguished and exceptional contributions in one of the above fields. The expectation associated with the award is that the recipient will continue to make contributions to the research community. The Killam Award is a non-taxable award valued at $100,000.00 for each recipient. 

Learn more about the Killam Program

Killam Research Fellowships provides support to scholars of exceptional ability who are engaged in research projects in the fields of engineering, health sciences, natural sciences, social sciences or humanities. Killam Research Fellowships provide two years of release time from teaching and administrative duties. They are valued at $70,000 per year. The fellowships are awarded to individuals, but the funds are paid to and administered by the institution to fund replacement costs for the fellow. Institutions are required to pay the fellow’s full salary and benefits for the two-year period.

Learn more about the Killam Research Fellowship

The Molson Award, administered by The Canada Council for Arts in cooperation with the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), provides two annual awards to distinguished Canadians. The award is valued at $50,000. There are two awards issued, one in the arts and the other in the social sciences and humanities. The award is funded by the Molson Family Foundation with the goal of encouraging distinguished and accomplished Canadians to continue their contributions to the cultural and intellectual heritage of Canada. 

Learn more about the Molson Prize

The details and information concerning all the various types of funding opportunities available through the Council are available on its website.

Learn mor about the Canada Council for the Arts

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Awards

Supports interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary research and the development of expertise in human rights. The purpose of this fellowship is to support research, preferably of a multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary nature, and to develop Canadian expertise in the field of human rights, with emphasis on themes and issues relevant to the Canadian human rights scene.

Learn more about the Bora Laskin National Fellowship

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council's (SSHRC) Aurora Prize intends to recognize an outstanding new researcher who is building a reputation for exciting and original research in the social sciences or humanities. The winners of this award receive $25,000 and the funds can only be used for research, training or other academic activities.

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council's (SSHRC) Gold Medal for Achievement in Research award is awarded to individuals whose dedication, leadership and originality of thought have proven to significantly advance the understanding in his/her field of research, enriched Canadian society, as well as contributed to the country's overall cultural and intellectual life. The winner receives the gold medal as well as a monetary award of $100,000. The funds received can only be used for research, training or other academic activities.

Learn more about SSHRC Gold Medal for Acheivement in Research

The Thérèse F. Casgrain Fellowship supports research on women and social change in Canada. This fellowship supports research in the field of social justice, particularly in defence of individual rights and the promotion of the economic and social interests of Canadian women. The Foundation is particularly interested in research that includes a discussion of public policy options and makes concrete recommendations for change.

Learn more about the  Thérèse F. Casgrain Fellowship


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

Up to six Steacie Fellowships are awarded annually to enhance the career development of outstanding and highly promising scientists and engineers who are faculty members of Canadian universities.

Learn more about E. W. R. Steacie Memorial Fellowships

The NSERC Herzberg Medal is awarded annually for both the sustained excellence and overall influence of research work conducted in Canada in the natural sciences or engineering.

Learn more about the Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering

In tribute to the excellence in research that Dr. John C. Polanyi continutes to exemplify, NSERC is proud to offer a prestigious research prize in his name. Although Dr. Polanyi'smost significant research accomplishments have been in chemistry, the NSERC John C. Polanyi Award recognizes a recent outstanding advance in any field of the natural sciences or engineering.

Learn more about the John C. Polanyi Award

The annual Synergy Awards for Innovation recognize examples of university-industry collaboration that stand as a model of effective partnership.

Learn more about the Synergy Awards for Innovation

The Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering recognizes outstanding Canadian teams of researchers from different disciplines who came together to engage in research drawing on their combined knowledge and skills, and produced a record of excellent achievements in the natural sciences and engineering in the last six years.

Learn more about the Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering

The NSERC Awards for Science Promotion honour individuals and groups who make an outstanding contribution to the promotion of science in Canada through activities encouraging popular interest in science or developing science abilities. Two recipients (one individual and one group) may be selected for the awards each year.

Learn more about the NSERC Awards for Science Promotion