Smiling people with text Employee Mental Health Strategy

Employee Mental Health Strategy Ambassadors

Employee Mental Health Strategy Ambassadors are faculty and staff from across University of Windsor areas and departments who are committed to supporting engagement with the Employee Mental Health Strategy and fostering a working environment in which mental health and psychological safety are central.

Download a list of current ambassadors by area here (.pdf)

The role of an Employee Mental Health Ambassador includes:

  • Gathering concerns and questions about the EMHS
    • Bringing forward feedback, concerns, and questions related to strategy implementation from faculty and staff in their area to the Employee Mental Health Coordinator and strategy co-leads;
    • Providing feedback on EMHS initiatives, resources, and campaigns in development and identifying gaps in existing resources.
  • Communicating EMHS-related information to their area/department
    • Sharing information related to EMHS implementation and progress with colleagues;
    • Connecting colleagues to resources related to mental health and psychological safety.
  • Enhancing engagement in EMHS implementation
    • Acting as a visible supporter of the EMHS within their area/department;
    • Promoting and encouraging participation in EMHS-related events and feedback conversations.

In the event that employees seek mental health support from an Ambassador, they should engage in empathetic listening and connect the individual to relevant resources and services. If the person is at imminent risk and can no longer stay safe, please follow guidance for emergencies, including calling the Special Constable Service at ext. 4444 or dialling 9-1-1.