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eGAS Migration to UWinsite Student

eGAS to UWinsite StudenteGAS to UWinsite Student

News update based on email sent to Faculty and Staff, December 5, 2023

Electronic Graduate Application System (eGAS) to migrtate to UWinsite Student. This project will help us ensure service continuity for our students, faculty, and staff, streamline our processes, improve efficiency, and upgrade our technology. 

The migration is scheduled for early May 2024 and may require some downtime. By then, access to the graduate applicant data within UWinsite Student will be available. The data transfer and training will take place in April 2024 to prepare for the migration. The timing is such to minimize the impact on the application cycle.  

Please note that this migration is the first step in a series of enhancements planned for graduate application processing in UWinsite Student. Additional refinements will be made for the system to better align with the application process.