Introduction of revised course codes to coincide with new student information platform
The University of Windsor is introducing new course codes starting in the Winter 2019 semester.
The Senate-approved new course numbering framework was developed by a Provost’s Task Force led by Jeff Berryman. Alphanumeric course codes, consistent with the framework and established practice at other universities, were then identified in consultation with faculties, departments and programs.
During the 2016-17 school year, academic departments undertook a wholescale review of their course offerings to identify new course numbers and to provide a more reasoned presentation of courses, consistent with the new course numbering framework.
The new course codes begin with a four-letter subject code identifying the discipline followed by the catalogue number. The first digit of the catalogue number signifies the level of study, while the last three digits have been determined by the academic area.
For example, the course code for Cell Biology is currently 03-55-141. In the new course code structure, it will be BIOL-1400.
Subject Code: BIOL
Catalogue Number: 1400
First digit of Catalogue Number:
· 1xxx – first-year undergraduate course
· 2xxx – second-year undergraduate course
· 3xxx – third-year undergraduate course
· 4xxx – fourth-year undergraduate course
· 5xxx – secondary-entry programs (education, law)
· 6xxx – post-baccalaureate diploma or certificate courses
· 8xxx – Masters’ and doctoral level courses
· 9xxx – Doctoral level courses (where the courses are unique to the doctoral program)
Information Technology Services has developed a course code translator to assist with the translation of old course codes to new ones and vice versa; it is available at
The introduction of new course codes is timed to align with the implementation of UWinsite Student, the University’s new student information platform.
“We’re pleased to support Senate’s new course code initiative,” says Alice Miller, university registrar and stream lead for UWinsite Student. “It will help improve program and course transparency for students and departments as well as provide greater clarity when sharing information with prospective students about the University of Windsor’s offerings.”
UWinsite Student, which will go live on November 26, 2018, is the final piece of the UWinsite Project. It follows the launch of UWinsite Finance, UWinsite Service, and UWinsite Engage earlier this year.
To learn more about the UWinsite Project, visit

UWindsor course codes will change in the Winter 2019 semester.