Control of nanoscale light-matter interactions: Theory and Computation
My group studies the interaction between light and matter at the nanoscale (atoms, molecules, nanostructures), the control of this interaction, and investigates its possible applications. We develop theoretical and computational methods for modeling quantum and classical dynamics in atoms, ions and nanostructures.
Quantum control
The focus of this research is to discover and design electromagnetic fields that will control atoms, molecules and nanostructures to perform quantum operations. Our research goal is to create new schemes of quantum control with electromagnetic fields (cw or pulses) both in atomic systems (such as trapped ions and Rydberg atoms), and in many-body systems (such as metal nanostructures). ($$: NSERC, CFI, ORF)
Quantum control is very important for developing theories in chemical dynamics, quantum information science and quantum state engineering. We developed the first method for the optimal control of an algorithm that has been used for quantum computing in multi-level systems. Recently, mathematicians Tony Bloch, Roger Brockett and I have provided explicit dense subspace controllability results for an infinite-dimensional quantum system (trapped-ion). This work expands the scope of quantum control research to beyond that of finite-dimensional quantum systems. We are currently interested in quantum control in the presence of decoherence and/or metal nanostructures ($$: NSERC)
Nanoplasmonics and biosensors
Nanoplasmonics is an exciting area of fundamental research, which also has the promise of leading to important applications. Plasmonic nanodevices are expected to significantly advance many areas of research such as diffraction-limited nano-optics, sensing, clinical diagnostics, nanoelectronics, to mention a few. In my research program, we are focusing on developing bio-chemo sensors, in order to develop improved nanodevices for clinical diagnostics. ($$: NSERC, CFI, ORF, Ontario Association of Medical Laboratories, CIPI, Ontario Centres of Excellence)