Faculty - Dr. Kevin Granville

Kevin Granville, Ph.D. (Waterloo)

Tom Grondin

Assistant Professor
519-253-3000 x3014
Lambton Tower: 9-114

Research Interests

Forest fire and wildland fire prevention and risk mitigation, climate change, weather variable interpolation, operations research and logistics optimization, and queueing theory.


Recent Publications

  • Granville, K., Cao, S. Y., Woolford, D. G., McFayden, C. B. (2023). Quantile Regression Analysis of the Modifying Industrial Operations Protocol’s Impact on Forestry Fire Incremental Growth. Forest Science, 13 pages.  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/forsci/fxad027
  • Granville, K., Woolford, D. G., Dean, C. B., Boychuk, D., McFayden, C. B. (2022). On the Selection of an Interpolation Method with an Application to the Fire Weather Index in Ontario, Canada. Environmetrics, 34(2), 23 pages.  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/env.2758
  • Granville, K., Woolford, D. G., Dean, C. B., McFayden, C. B. (2022). Wildland fire prevention: the impact of the Modifying Industrial Operations Protocol on the growth of industrial forestry-caused wildland fires in Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 31(9), 825-834.
     DOI: https://doi.org/10.1071/WF22074
  • Granville, K., Woolford, D. G., Dean, C. B., McFayden, C. B. (2022). A Case-Crossover Study of the Impact of the Modifying Industrial Operations Protocol on the Frequency of Industrial Forestry-Caused Wildland Fires in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 28(2), 219-242. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13253-022-00497-z
  • Granville, K., Drekic, S. (2021). The unobserved waiting customer approximation. Queueing Systems, 99(3), 345-396.  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11134-021-09706-x
  • Granville, K., Drekic, S. (2020). A 2-class maintenance model with dynamic server behavior. TOP, 28(1), 34-96.
     DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11750-019-00509-1
  • Granville, K., Drekic, S. (2019). On a 2-class polling model with reneging and -limited service. Annals of Operations Research, 274(1), 267-290.  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-018-2915-y 
  • Granville, K., Drekic, S. (2018). A 2-class maintenance model with a finite population and competing exponential failure rates. Queueing Models and Service Management, 1(1), 141-176.


  1. Granville, K., Woolford, D.G., Dean, C.B., Boychuk, D., McFayden, C.B. (2022, November). Considerations for choosing an interpolation method and visualization scheme to aid in interpreting the Fire Weather Index when mapped. Wildland Fire Canada Conference & Canadian Smoke Forum. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
  2. Granville, K., Woolford, D.G., Dean, C.B., McFayden, C.B. (2022, Aug.). The Impact of Forestry Regulations on the Growth of Industrial Forestry-Caused Wildland Fires in Ontario, Canada. 2022 Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM). Washington, DC, USA.
  3. Granville, K., Woolford, D.G., Dean, C.B., McFayden, C.B., Boychuk, D. (2022, May). On the selection of an interpolation method with an application to the Fire Weather Index in Ontario, Canada. Statistical Society of Canada 2022 Annual Meeting. Online.
  4. Granville, K., Woolford, D.G., Dean, C.B., McFayden, C.B. (2021, June). A Case-Crossover Study of the Impact of Industrial Forestry Protocols on the Frequency of Wildland Fires in Ontario. Statistical Society of Canada 2021 Annual Meeting. Online. 
  5. Granville, K., Woolford, D.G., Dean, C.B., McFayden, C.B. (2021, Feb.). Investigating the Impacts of Regulations on the Frequency and Size of Industrial Forestry Wildland Fires in Ontario. Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC) National Fire Management Conversation. Online. 
  6. Granville, K., Woolford, D.G., Dean, C.B., McFayden, C.B. (2021, Jan.). Examining the Impact of Prevention Efforts on Industrial Forestry Caused Wildland Fires in Ontario. Joint Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences Colloquium and Hazards, Risks, and Resilience Seminar, University of Western Ontario. London, Ontario, Canada. 
  7. Granville, K., Drekic, S. (2019, Aug.). The impact of UWC on sojourn time densities. 2019 CanQueue Annual Conference. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  8. Granville, K., Drekic, S. (2019, May). The unobserved waiting customer approximation. 61st Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) Annual Conference. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. 
  9. Granville, K., Drekic, S. (2018, June). A 2-class maintenance model with dynamic server behavior. 60th CORS Annual Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 
  10. Granville, K., Drekic, S. (2017, July). A 2-class maintenance model with a finite population and competing exponential failure rates. 21st International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) Conference. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 
  11. Granville, K., Drekic, S. (2016, Aug.). On a 2-class polling model with class-dependent reneging, switchover times, and phase-type service. 2016 CanQueue Annual Conference. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. 
  12. Granville, K., Drekic, S. (2016, May). On a 2-class polling model with class-dependent reneging, switchover times, and phase-type service. 58th CORS Annual Conference. Banff, Alberta, Canada.

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