Mehdi S. Monfared, Ph.D. (Alberta)
Chair, Graduate Studies Programs
(519) 253-3000 x3582
Lambton Tower 9-115
Research Area: Functional and Harmonic Analysis
More info: Personal Homepage
Research Interests
My research interests are in the areas of interaction between functional and harmonic analysis. I am interested in the study of Banach algebras, operator algebras, representation theory, amenability, topological centre, and the connections of all these with locally compact groups and harmonic analysis.
Recent Publications
- M. Filali and M. Sangani Monfared, Finite-dimensional left ideals in the dual of introverted spaces, to appear in the Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
- M. Filali, M. Neufang, and M. Sangani Monfared, On ideals in the bidual of the Fourier algebra and related algebras, J. Functional Analysis 258 (2010), 3117--3133.
- M. Filali, M. Neufang, and M. Sangani Monfared, Weak factorizations of operators in the group von Neumann algebras of certain amenable groups and applications, to appear in the Math. Annalen.
- Z. Hu, M. Sangani Monfared, and T. Traynor, On character amenable Banach algebras, Studia Math. 193 (2009), 53--78.
- M. Sangani Monfared, Character amenability of Banach algebras, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 144 (2008), 697--706.
- M. Sangani Monfared, On certain products of Banach algebras with applications to harmonic analysis, Studia Math. 178 (2007), 277--294.
- A. Derighetti, M. Filali, and M. Sangani Monfared, On the ideal structure of some Banach algebras related to convolution operators on Lp(G), J. Funct. Analysis 215 (2004), 341--365.
- M. Sangani Monfared, Extensions and isomorphisms for the generalized Fourier algebras of a locally compact group, J. Funct. Analysis 198 (2003), 413--444.
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