Faculty - Dr. Abdul A. Hussein


Dr. Abdul A. Hussein

Abdul A. Hussein, Ph.D. (Alberta)

(519) 253-3000 x3033
Lambton Tower 9-104

Research Interests

My research areas include Sequential analysis and its applications, Survival and event history analysis, Finite mixtures and their applications, Statistical processes control, Health outcomes research.


I have successfully supervised several master’s students over the past 5 years.  I am currently seeking candidates who have strong background in the theory of probability, and stochastic processes and their estimation techniques. I have several projects with funding that could potentially lead to successful Ph.D thesis.

Recent Publications

  • Gombay, E. Heo, G. Hussein, A., Nonparametric Sequential Comparison of Two Treatments with Random Allocation of Samples, Sequential Analysis, 26(1), 71-87, 2007
  • A. Hussein and J. Liu, Estimating parameters of 2-component uniform mixtures using L-moments, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulations, 2007, In Press
  • Anne W. Snowdon, Abdulkadir Hussein, Lisa High, Ejaz Ahmed, Jan Millar-Polgar, Linda Patrick,, The Effectiveness of a Multi-media Intervention for Parents on Knowledge of Safety Seat Use for Children, Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 2007, In Press.
  •  Ahmed SE, Hussein AA, Sen PK, Risk comparison of some shrinkage M-estimators in linear models, JOURNAL OF NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS, 18(4-6), 401-415, 2006.
  • Gombay, E and Hussein, A., A class of sequential tests for two-sample composite hypotheses., Canadian Journal of Statistics, 34(2), 217-232, 2006.
  • Hussein, A., Sequential comparison of two treatments using weighted Wald type statistics, Communications in Statistics-Theory & Methods, 34(7), 2005.
  • S. E. Ahmed, A. Hussein and A. Volodin, Robust Weighted Likelihood Estimation of Exponential Parameters, IEEE transactions on reliability, vol.54, no. 3, 389-395, 2005.
  • Hussein, A. and Carriere, K. C., Group Sequential Procedures under Variance Heterogeneity, Statistical Methods in Medical Research., 14 (2), 121-128, 2005.
  • Jones, T; Hussein, A; Kumar, S., Critical review of the Armitage and Bross sequential procedures in clinical rehabilitation trials., Journal of Musculoskeletal Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, 181-193, 2004.


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