Dr. Jianwen Yang


Associate Editor, Groundwater (Official Journal, National Ground Water Association, USA)
Associate Editor, Hydrogeology Journal (Official Journal, International Association of Hydrogeologists)

Geophysics, Geofluids and Hydrogeology

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Windsor
401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4, Canada

(519) 253-3000 x2181 (office), x2529 (lab)
Fax: (519) 973-7081 
Room 107 Memorial Hall

Profile photo of Dr Jianwen Yang

Editorial Board Memberships

  • International Journal of Geosciences
  • Advances in Geological and Geophysical Engineering
  • International Journal of Development in Earth Science
  • Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering
  • Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering
  • Frontiers in Geosciences (FG)


  • B.Sc. Guilin University of Technology, China (People's Republic), 1983
  • M.Sc. Central-South University, China (People's Republic), 1986
  • M.Sc. University of Toronto, Canada, 1992
  • Ph.D. University of Toronto, Canada, 1997


  • 03-66-436 Hydrogeology
  • 03-66-220 Climatology
  • 03-61-230 Plate Tectonics and the Earth's Interior
  • 03-66-330 Environmental Geophysics
  • 03-61-532 Numerical Modelling of Subsurface Fluid Flow and Mass Transport


Principal Research Interests

  • Geofluids and geological processes
  • Geo-electrical methods for environmental, engineering and exploration applications
  • Hydrogeology and contaminant transport in groundwater systems
  • Hydrothermal systems and the formation of mineral deposits
  • Lab- and field-based computational simulations of subsurface fluid flow, heat and mass transport as well as chemical reactions associated with applications in earth and environmental sciences

Ongoing Research Projects

  • Integrated numerical investigation of hydrothermal fluid flow in sedimentary basins: implications for the formation of unconformity-type uranium deposits.
  • Geo-electrical responses associated with contaminant transport in discretely fractured porous media: field observation and numerical modeling.
  • Fully three-dimensional finite element modelling of time-dependent ore-forming fluid flow in complex Earth structures.
  • Multi-dimensional computational modeling of hydrothermal fluid flow in Western Canada Sedimentary Basin.


Geohydrophysical Experimental and Modelling (GEM) Facilities:

Geofluids Modelling Facility:
(funded by CFI/OIT-new opportunities-grant)

  •     SunBlade 2000 station
  •     Sun Ray stations
  •     SGI Silicon Graphics Tezro station
  •     Gtco Accutab backlit digitizer
  •     CM2-Mesh Tool
  •     HP colour scanners
  •     Laser printers
  •     Various desktop and laptop computers
  •     Various geofluids modelling software packages

Geohydrophysical Experimental Facility:
(funded by CFI/OIT grant)

  •     Guelph permeameter
  •     ERE Horiba U-10 multi-parameter water quality checker
  •     Dualem-2/4 geoconductivity meter
  •     Lund geo-electrical imaging system
  •     Protem-46 EM system
  •     Terraloc Mark-6 seismograph 


  • Yang, J., 2012. "Geothermal Energy, Technology and Geology", Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, ISBN: 978-1-61942-765-5. Published.
  • Yang, J., 2014. “Basins: Methods of Formation, Ongoing Developments and Emerging Challenges”, Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, USA, ISBN: 978-1-63117-510-7. Published.

Zhao, N., Lv, Y., Yang, X., Huang, F., and Yang, J., 2018. Characterization and 2D structural model of corn straw and poplar leaf biochars, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 25789-25798. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-0959-1.

Wang, Z., Zhang, T., Tan, C., Wang, X., Taylor, R., Qi, Z., and Yang, J., 2018. Modeling the impacts of manure on P loss in surface runoff and subsurface drainage, Journal of Environmental Quality, 27, 39-46. DOI: 10.2134/jeq2018.06.0240.

Aghbelagh, Y.B., Yang, J., 2017. Role of hydrodynamic factors in controlling the formation and location of unconformity-related uranium deposits: insights from reactive flow modeling, Hydrogeology Journal, 25, 465-486. DOI: 10.1007/s10040-016-1485-9. Editors' Choice Article for 2017.

Aghbelagh, Y.B., Yang, J., 2016. Reactive transport computational evaluation of Fe-rich chlorite as a reducing agent in the formation of unconformity-related uranium deposits, American Journal of Science.

Zeng, C., Liu, Z., Yang, J., and Yang, R., 2015. A groundwater conceptual model and karst-related carbon sink for a glacierized alpine karst aquifer, Southwestern China, Journal of Hydrology, 529, 120-133.

Aghbelagh, Y.B., and Yang, J., 2014. Effect of graphite zone in the formation of unconformity-related uranium deposits: insights from reactive mass transport modeling, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 144, 12-27, DOI.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2014.01.020.

Zhu, B., Wu, Q., Yang, J., and Cui, T., 2014. Study of pore pressure change during mining and its application prospect on water inrush prevention: a numerical simulation case in Zhaogezhuang coalmine, China, Environmental Earth Sciences, 71, 2115-2132, DOI 10.1007/s12665-013-2616-4.

Zhu, B., Yang, J., and Wu, Q., 2014. Aquifer system incremental linear property and its application on groundwater management, Environmental Earth Sciences, 71, 2373-2389, DOI 10.1007/s12665-013-2638-y.

Fu, W., Yang, J., and others, 2014. Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of a serpentinite-derived laterite profile from East Sulawesi, Indonesia: implications for the laterization process and Ni supergene enrichment in the tropical rain forest, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 93, 74-88.

Yang, J., Pang, B., and Feng, Z., 2014. Similarities and differences between 2-D and 3-D numerical results of ore-forming fluid flow in sedimentary basins: example from Mount Isa Basin, northern Australia. in Basins: Methods of Formation, Ongoing Developments and Emerging Challenges. Invited Book Chapter, p. 49-66.

Pang, B., Liu, X., Yang, J., Xiao, H., and Fu, W., 2014. Sedimentary tectonic evolution of Youjiang Basin and formation of Carlin-type gold deposits, southwestern China. in Basins: Methods of Formation, Ongoing Developments and Emerging Challenges. Invited Book Chapter, p. 1-25.

Zhu, B., Gao, F., Yang, J., and others, 2014. Simulation research on fissure-porosity double percolation in deep-buried thin-layer coal rock mass, Journal of China University of Mining & Technology, 43, 987-994.

Zhu, B., and Yang, J., 2014. An analytical solution to double porosity model coupled with in-situ stress: hydraulic effects on fractured porous rock, Journal of Hydrology, In Revision.

Yang, J., 2012. Reactive silica transport in fractured porous media: analytical solutions for a system of parallel fractures, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 117, B04106, doi:10.1029/2011JB008893.

Cui, T., Yang, J., and Samson, I.M., 2012. Uranium transport across basement/cover interfaces by buoyancy-driven thermohaline convection: implications for the formation of unconformity-related uranium deposits, American Journal of Science, 312, 994-1027. Journal Cover-Cited Paper

Yang, J., 2012. Reactive silica transport in fractured porous media: analytical solution for a single fracture, Computers & Geosciences, 38, 80-86.

Cui, T., Yang, J., and Samson, I.M., 2012. Tectonic deformation and fluid flow: implications for the formation of unconformity-related uranium deposits, Economic Geology, 107, 147-163.

Kang, M., Yang, J., Liao, L., and Cui, L., 2012. The CHIM method electrified by a low voltage dipole, submitted to Journal of Geochemical Exploration. In review.

Yang, J., Samson, I.M., and Cui, T., 2011. Ore-forming hydrothermal fluid flow: theory, numerical modeling and implications for the formation of mineral deposits in sedimentary basins, Ore Geology Review, in revision, Invited Review Paper.

Ju, M., and Yang, J., 2011. Numerical modeling of couple fluid flow, heat transport and mechanic deformation: example from the Chanziping Ore District, south China, Geoscience Frontiers, 2, 577-582. Invited Paper.

Ju, M., Zhao, C., Dai, T., and Yang, J., 2011. Finite element modeling of pore-fluid flow in the Dachang Ore District, Guangxi, China: implications for hydrothermal mineralization, Geoscience Frontiers,2, 463-474. Invited Paper.

Yang, J., 2011. Fluid flow and heat transport:theory, numerical modeling and applications for the formation of mineral deposits, in Fluid Transport: Theory, Dynamics and Applications, Chapter 3, p. 75-120. Invited Book Chapter.

Yang, J., Feng, Z., Luo, X., and Chen, Y., 2010. Three-dimensional numerical modeling of salinity variations in driving basin-scale ore-forming fluid flow: Example from Mount Isa Basin, northern Australia, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 106, 236-243.

Zhu, K. and Yang, J., 2010. Theoretical forward and inverse responses of time-dependent landfill leachate plumes to FEM loop-loop configuration, Near-surface Geophysics and Geohazards, 1, 432-436.

Cui, T., Yang, J., and Samson, I.M., 2010. Numerical modeling of hydrothermal fluid flow in the Paleoproterozoic Thelon Basin, Nunavut, Canada, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 106, 69-76.

Ju, M., and Yang, J., 2010. Preliminary numerical simulation of tectonic deformation-driven fluid flow: implications for ore genesis in the Dachang District, South China, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 106, 133-136.

Yang, J., Feng, Z., Luo, X., and Chen, Y., 2010. Numerically quantifying the relative importance of topography and buoyancy in driving groundwater flow, Science China, 53, 64-71.

Yang, J., Feng, Z., Luo, X., and Chen, Y., 2009. Three-dimensional numerical modeling of salinity variations in driving basin-scale fluid flow related to the formation of the Mount Isa SEDEX deposits, northern Australia, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 101, 119.

Cui, T., and Yang, J., 2009. Paleo-hydrostratigraphy and Fluid Flow Modeling for the Thelon Basin, Nunavut, Canada, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 101, 28.

Ju, M., Yang, J., and Dai, T., 2009. Numerical Simulation of Tectonic Deformation-driven Fluid Flow: Implications for Ore Genesis in the Dachang District, Guangxi, China, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 101, 53.

Yang, J., Feng, Z., Luo, X., and Chen, Y., 2009. On the role of buoyancy force in the ore genesis of SEDEX deposits: example from northern Australia, Science in China, 52, 452-460.

Zhu, K., and Yang, J., 2008, Time-lapse simulations of contaminant groundwater monitoring using magnetometric resistivity and frequency domain electromagnetic methods, Journal of Scientific Instrument, 29, 2470-2474.

Zhu, K., and Yang, J., 2008, Time-dependent magnetometric resistivity anomalies of groundwater contamination: synthetic results from computational hydro-geophysical modeling, Applied Geophysics, 5, 322-330.

Radulescu, M., Valerian, C., and Yang, J., 2007. Time-lapse electrical resistivity anomalies due to contaminant transport around landfills, Annals of Geophysics, 50, 453-468.

Molson, J., and Yang, J., 2007. Finite element modeling of mineral diagenesis induced by hydrothermal circulation in oceanic crust, in Water-Rock Interaction, Bullen, T., and Wang, Y. (eds.), Taylor & Francis Group: London, 353-356.

Yang, J., Large, R., Bull, S., and Scott, D., 2006. Basin-scale numerical modelling to test the role of buoyancy driven fluid flow and heat transport in the formation of stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag deposits in the northern Mt Isa basin, Economic Geology, 101, 1275-1292.

Yang, J., 2006. Finite element modeling of transient saline hydrothermal fluids in multi-faulted sedimentary basins: implications for ore-forming processes, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 43, 1331-1340.

Schardt, C., Large, R., and Yang, J., 2006. Controls on heat flow, fluid migration, and massive sulfide formation of an off-axis hydrothermal system - the Lau Basin perspective, American Journal of Science, 306, 103-134.

Yang, J., 2006. Full 3-D numerical simulation of hydrothermal fluid flow in faulted sedimentary basins: example of the McArthur Basin, Northern Australia, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 89, 440-444.

Yang, J., and Radulescu, M., 2006. Paleo-fluid flow and heat transport at 1575 Ma over an E-W Section in the Northern Lawn Hill Platform, Australia: theoretical results from finite element modeling, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 89, 445-449.

Zhu, K., and Yang, J., 2006. Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Volcanic Facies Architecture on Hydrothermal Fluid Migration: Example of the Mount Read Volcanics, Western Tasmania, Australia, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 89, 474-479.

Ma, F., Al-Aasm, I., and Yang, J., 2006. Numerical modeling of hydrothermal fluid flow coupled with mass transport: an example from the Devonian Wabamun Group, northeast British Columbia, Canada, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 89, 247-250.

Zhu, K. and Yang, Jianwen, 2006. Time-lapse magnetometric resistivity (MMR) anomalies of groundwater contamination: theoretical results from computational hydro-geophysical modeling, Geophysical Solutions for Environmental and Engineering,1, 303-307.

Yang, J., 2005. Geo-electrical responses associated with hydrothermal fluid circulation in oceanic crust: feasibility of magnetometric and electrical resistivity methods in mapping off-axis convection cells, Exploration Geophysics, 36, 281-286.

Schardt, C., Yang, J., and Large, R., 2005. Numerical heat and fluid flow modelling of the Panorama volcanic-hosted massive sulfide district, Western Australia, Economic Geology,100, 547-566.

Yang, J., Bull, S., and Large, R., 2004. Numerical investigation of salinity in controlling ore-forming fluid transport in sedimentary basins: example of the HYC deposit, northern Australia. Mineralium Deposita, 39, 622-631.

Yang, J., Large, R., and Bull, S., 2004. Factors controlling free thermal convection in faults in sedimentary basins: implications for the formation of zinc-lead mineral deposits. Geofluids, 4, 237-247.

Schardt, C., Yang, J., and Large, R.R., 2003. Formation of massive sulfide deposits on the seafloor – constraints from numerical heat and fluid flow modeling. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 78 -79, 257-259.

Yang, J., 2002. Influence of normal faults and basement topography on ridge-flank hydrothermal fluid circulation. Geophysical Journal International, 151, 83-87.

Schardt, C., Yang, J., and Large, R., 2002. Numerical heat and fluid flow modelling of the Panorama district. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,66(15A), A674-A674.

Large, R., Bull, S., Yang, J., Cooke, D., Garven, G., McGoldrick, P., and Selley, D., 2002. Controls on the formation of giant stratiform sediment-hosted Zn-Pb-Ag deposits: with particular reference to the north Australian Proterozoic, In Giant Ore Deposits: characteristics, genesis and exploration, Cooke, D. and Pongratz, J. (eds.), CODES Special Publication 4: Hobart, 107-149.

Yang, J. and Edwards, R.N., 2001. Electric potential arising from a point-source near a cylinder in layered earth structures, Exploration Geophysics, 32, 59-64.

Yang, J. and Large, R., 2001. Computational modelling of hydrothermal ore-forming fluid migration in complex earth structures. In Computer Applications in the Minerals Industries, Xie, H., Wang, Y. and Jiang, Y. (eds.), A.A. Balkema Publishers: Lisse, 115-120.

Yang, J. and Edwards, R.N., 2000. Predicted groundwater circulation in fractured and unfractured anisotropic porous media driven by nuclear fuel waste heat generation. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 37, 1301-1308.

Yang, J., 2000. Hydrothermal fluid circulation in anisotropic permeable media associated with discrete fractures, Transactions of NFsoc, 10, 542-547.

Yang, J. and Edwards, R.N., 2000. Controlled source time-domain electromagnetic methods for seafloor conductivity mapping, Transactions of Nfsoc, 10, 270-274.

Yang, J., Latychev, K. and Edwards, R.N., 1998. Numerical computation of hydrothermal fluid circulation in fractured earth structures. Geophysical Journal International, 135, 627-649.

Yang, J., 1998. Electromagnetic methods for conductivity mapping in marine environment, Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 8, 705-713.

Yang, J., Edwards, R.N., Molson, J.W. and Sudicky, E.A., 1996. Three-dimensional numerical simulation of the hydrothermal system within the TAG-like sulfide mound, Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 3475-3478.

Yang, J., Edwards, R.N., Molson, J.W. and Sudicky, E.A., 1996. Fracture-induced hydrothermal convection in the oceanic crust and the interpretation of heat-flow data, Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 929-932.

Yang, J. and Ge Weizhong, 1991. Forward solution of electric field due to a point source in layered media and its application, J. Guilin Institute of Geology, 11, 417-422.

Yang, J., 1991. Expressions of magnetic fields associated with non-inductive current of point source in arbitrary topography, J. Guilin Institute of Geology, 11, 77-87.

Yang, J. and Ren Huaizong, 1991. Calculation method of magnetometric resistivity (MMR) anomalies for 2-D topographies, J. CENT.-SOUTH INST. MIN. METALL., 22, 223-231.

Yang, J., Ren Huaizong and Lei Linyuan, 1991. Topographic correction of magnetometric resistivity method, J. CENT.-SOUTH INST. MIN. METALL., 22, 1-8.

Yang, J., 1990. Recurrence formula of electric field due to a point source in vertical or horizontal multilayered media, J. Guilin Institute of Geology, 10, 173-181.

Lei Linyuan and J. Yang, 1990. Moment method to solve the forward problem of electric exploration for 3-D earth structures, Geophysics, ACTA GEOPHYSICA SINICA, 33, 412-421

Yang, J, 1989. Application of the S-2 dual-frequency IP instrument to the scale-model experiments of MMR method, Hunan Publishing House of Science and Technology.

Yang, Jianwen, 2006. Finite element modeling of basin-scale hydrothermal fluid
flow and its implication for the SEDEX-type ore genesis: Example from the Lawn Hill Platform, northern Australia. The 12th Quadrennial IAGOD (International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits) Symposium, Moscow, Russia, August 21-24.

Zhu, K. and Yang, Jianwen, 2006. Time-lapse magnetometric resistivity (MMR)
anomalies of groundwater contamination: theoretical results from computational hydro-geophysical modeling. The 2nd International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Wuhan, China, June 4-9.

Yang, J., 2005 (invited). Finite element modeling of transient saline hydrothermal fluids in multi-faulted crust: implications for ore-forming processes. The origin, evolution and state of subcontinental lithosphere, Commision on Solid Earth Composition and Evolution, Beijing, June 25-30.

Yang, J., Large, R., Bull, S. and Scott, D., 2005. Basin-scale numerical modeling of buoyancy-driven hydrothermal fluid flow associated with the formation of stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag deposits in the Mt Isa Basin, northern Australia. Central Australian Basins Symposium (CABS), Northern Territory Geological Survey, Alice Springs, August 16-18.

Ma, F., Al-Aasm, I.S., and Yang, J., 2005. Numerical modelling of hydrothermal fluid flow: an example from the Devonian Wabamun Group, northeast British Columbia, Canada. AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, June 19-22.

Yang, J., 2004. Regional-scale free thermohaline convection in multiply faulted sedimentary basins: theoretical results from computational modelling. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 13-17.

Radulescu, M. and Yang, J., 2004. Time-lapse electrical resistivity anomalies due to contaminant transport around landfills: forward modeling results. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 13-17.

Yang, J., 2004. Finite element modeling of heat and fluid flow in submarine volcanic successions: example of the Mount Read Volcanics in western Tasmania, Australia. AGU Spring Meeting, Montreal, May 17-21.

Yang, J., 2003. Multi-dimensional numerical simulation of hydrothermal fluid flow and mass transport with application to the formation of mineral deposits. AGU Fall Meeting, San Fracisco, USA, December 8-13.

Yang, Jianwen, 2003. Computational modeling of subsurface fluid flow, heat and
mass transport associated with the formation of ore deposits, Sudbury Deep Drilling Project Workshop, International Continental Scientific Drilling Program, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, September 17-20.

Schardt, C., Yang, J. and Large, R., 2003. Formation of massive sulfide ore deposits on the seafloor-constraints from numerical heat and fluid flow modeling. Geofluids IV, Utrecht, Netherlands, May 12-16.

Schardt, C., Yang, J., Large, R., 2002. Numerical heat and fluid flow modelling in submarine terrains. Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Switzerland, August 18-23.

Ryan, M.P. and Yang, J., 2002 (invited). Hydrothermal fluid permeability, temperature, and nutrient fluxes: Three controls on the structure and the dynamics of subsurface extremophilic microbe communities. EOS Trans. AGU, 83.

Yang, J., Large, R. and Bull, S., 2001. The importance of salinity in controlling ore-forming fluid migration in sedex ore systems. The Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, November.

Yang, J., Large, R. and Bull, S., 2001. Factors controlling fluid discharge and recharge in faults associated with a free convective hydrothermal system. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Chapman Conference: Exploration Geodynamics, Perth, Australia, August.

Yang, J., Large, R. and Bull, S., 2001. Numerical simulation of transient hydrothermal fluid migration associated with the formation of mineral deposits in the McArthur Basin. A Hydrothermal Odyssey: New Developments in Metalliferous Hydrothermal Systems Research, Townsville, Australia, May.

Schardt, C., Yang, J., Large, R., 2001. Numerical modeling of the Panorama massive sulfide district, western Australia. The 4th International Archean Symposium, Perth, Australia, September.

Schardt, C., Yang, J., Large, R., 2001. Heat and fluid flow modeling of the Panorama volcanic-hosted massive sulfide district, western Australia. A Hydrothermal Odyssey: New Developments in Metalliferous Hydrothermal Systems Research, Townsville, Australia, May.

Yang, J. and McPhie, J., 2000. Influence of volcanic facies architecture on hydrothermal fluid migration. Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Tokyo, Japan.

Yang, J., 2000. Hydrothermal fluid circulation in modern seafloor massive sulfide deposits and geophysical response: example of the TAG mound. The International Conference on Volcanic Environments and Massive Sulfide Deposits, Hobart, Australia.

Yang, J. and McPhie, J., 2000. Hydrothermal fluid circulation in complex submarine volcanic successions. The International Conference on Volcanic Environments and Massive Sulfide Deposits, Hobart, Australia.

Yang, J., 2000. Numerical simulation of variable-density solute transport within discretely fractured earth structures. The 4th International and 25th Annual Minerals Council of Australia Environmental Workshop, Perth, Australia.

Solomon, M. and Yang, J., 2000. Explaining variation in VHMS ores (e.g. Hoburobu, Hellyer and Mount Lyell): the likely role of fractures, deep footwall permeability, and rock buffering capacity. Geological Society of Australia Convention, Sydney, Australia.

Large, R., Bull, S., Cooke, D., Garven, G., McGoldrick, P.J. and Yang, J., 2000. Ground selection for stratiform zinc deposits in North Australian Proterozoic Basins: sources, aquifers, seals, faults, traps and halos. Geological Society of Australia Convention, Sydney, Australia.

Ryan, M.P. and Yang, J., 2000 (invited). On the convective colloidal transport of extremophilic microbes, AGU Spring Meeting.

Yang, J. and Pezard, P.A., 1999. The Effect of normal faults on hydrothermal fluid circulation and seafloor heat flow: example of the DSDP/ODP site 504. EOS Trans. AGU, 80.

Ryan, M.P. and Yang, J., 1999. Fracture-dominated hydrothermal convection. EOS Trans. AGU, 80.

Yang, J., Sharpe, R. and Large, R., 1999. Numerical simulation of subseafloor hydrothermal fluid migration associated with the genesis of the Gossan Hill volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposit, Australia. EOS Trans. AGU, 80.

Ryan, M.P. and Yang, J., 1999 (invited). The convective transport of extremophilic microbes in two- and three-dimensions: interacting biological, geological, and fluid physical property variables. EOS Trans. AGU, 80.

Yang, J. and Edwards, R.N., 1998. A finite element algorithm for simulating groundwater flow, heat and contaminant transport in discretely fractured rocks. The 23rd General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, France.

Latychev, K., Yang, J. and Edwards, R.N., 1998. Three-dimensional modeling of Multi-component convection in porous medium. Annual Meeting of CRESTech, Toronto, Canada.

Ryan, M.P. and Yang, J., 1998 (invited). Development, function and three-dimensional structure of the subsurface hydrothermal biosphere: hydrothermal convection and the continuous transport of thermophilic and hyperthermophilic microbial life. EOS Trans. AGU, 79.

Ryan, M.P., Klein, F.W., Smith, J.R., Yang, J., Nakata, J.E., Laurent, K. and Hogan, M., 1998. Restless hydrothermal systems: Kilauea volcano and Loihi seamount, Hawaii. EOS Trans. AGU, 79.

Ryan, M.P. and Yang, J., 1998. Life at low Reynolds number and high temperature: hydrothermal convection and development of folded habitats and compartmentalized community structure in the subsurface biosphere of mid-ocean ridges and basaltic rift-zone volcanoes. EOS Trans. AGU, 79.

Ryan, M.P. and Yang, J., 1997. Dike-forming intrusions and hydrothermal circulation in compartmentalized volcanic systems: evolutionary patterns in internal porous media convection and external heat flow, AGU Fall Meeting.

Ryan, M.P. and Yang, J., 1997. The structure of hydrothermal convection within centers of active volcanism: influences of internal structure and dynamic deformation patterns. Materials Recycling Near Convergent Plate Boundaries, Puerto Azul, Philippines.

Yang, J. and R.N. Edwards, 1996. Numerical simulation of oceanic crustal hydrothermal system. The 30th International Geological Congress, Beijing, China.

Ryan, M.P. and Yang, J., 1996. The three-dimensional structure of basaltic rift zone hydrothermal convection systems. EOS Trans. AGU, 77.

Ryan, M.P. and Yang, J., 1996. The hydrothermal convection system of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii. EOS Trans. AGU, 77.

Yang, J., R.N. Edwards, J.W. Molson and E.A. Sudicky, 1995. Fracture-controlled hydrothermal convection in the oceanic crust, EOS Trans. AGU, 76.
Yang, J., R.N. Edwards, J.W. Molson and E.A. Sudicky, 1993 (invited). Simulation of the hydrothermal system within TAG-like seafloor structures, EOS Trans. AGU,74.

Students and Postdocs

Current Graduate Students

Lin, Hua    Ph.D. (visiting student )

Xu, Xu   Ph.D. (visiting student)

Former Graduate Students

Beiraghdar, Yousef  Ph.D.  2016
Ore-forming Fluid Flow Modeling 

Hart, Janet M.Sc.  2013
Geophysical investigation of landfill leachate transport in Essex county landfill No 3

Joshi, Siddharth Dilip    M.Sc.  2013
Hydrogeophysical investigation of landfill leachate transport

Cui, Tao Ph.D.  2012
Fluid flow modeling associated with the formation of unconformity-related uranium deposits in sedimentary basin

Ju, Minghui  Ph.D.  2012
Computational Modeling of Oreforming Fluid Flow in Dachang District, Guangxi, China

Niu, Yuxia  M.Sc.  2009
Multi-dimensional Numerical Modeling of Hydrothermal Fluid Flow and Mass Transport: Implications for Devonian Wabamun Group Dolomitization System, Peace River Arch Region, WCSB

Ma, Fujian  M.Sc.  2005
Numerical Modelling of Hydrothermal Fluid Flow in the Devonian System of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

Schardt, Christina  Ph.D.  2004  University of Tasmania, Australia
Heat and Fluid Flow Simulations in Submarine Terrains

Koziy, Ludmyla  Ph.D.  2003 University of Tasmania, Australia
Multi-dimensional modeling of fluid flow and heat transport in sedimentary basin

Liu, Jubo  Ph.D.  2003 University of Tasmania, Australia
Sunsurface fluid flow and oil/hydrocarbon gas transport in the Tasmanian Basin

Postdocs and other positions

Hu, Huan   Postdoctoral fellow  2016

Chen, Zeng  Postdoctoral fellow 2014

Zhu, Bin  Postdoctoral fellow    2012
Occurrence mechanism of mine water-inrush near fault zone using coupled flow-solid simulation

Zhu,  Kaiguang  Postdoctoral fellow  2005-2006
Geophysical forward/inversion investigation associated with environmental applications

Radulescu, Monica  NSERC/NATO Postdoctoral fellow  2004-2006
Geophysical responses due to contaminant transport in groundwater systems