About Us

Economics is often referred to as the Dismal Science.  It is a fascinating area whose ideas appear in different disguises in many subjects and many professions.

At UWindsor, we specialize in:

  • Microeconomics focuses on the consumption and production of goods and services as well as considering the merits of various means of allocating these goods between competing users.
  • Macroeconomics focuses on issues related to inflation, unemployment, interest rates, exchange rates, economic growth and distribution on a national or international scale. 
  • Econometrics focuses on the means of manipulating data to infer reliable conclusions from data. These basic ideas are necessary to study specific issues and are extended in more advanced classes.

Learn more about our world class faculty.

Not sure what program is for you?

Many students want to understand Economics even if they do not intend to specialize in it. For this reason, a number of programs offer interesting and useful combinations. The most popular choices are:

What career options are available after graduation?

Graduates with an undergraduate degree in Economics have successful careers in the following fields:

Research assistants for banks; brokers for brokerage and investment firms; actuarial careers for insurance companies; pension funds or government agencies; teaching at college or university; teaching elementary or secondary school; working for local, provincial or federal government; manager for human resources; industry relations and labour officers; law; market research; private research and consulting; forensic economics; international economics.

Students are encouraged to visit the Career Development and Experiental Learning Office to explore valuable resources and workshops geared to provide support along the journey towards a successful career.

Should I consider grad school?

At the University of Windsor, many of our students continue their academic journey by pursuing graduate studies in Economics. We offer two dynamic graduate programs designed to equip you for success:

  • Master of Arts in Economics Our MA Economics program is an ideal stepping stone for those aiming to advance to a PhD program or launch a successful career in the workforce. This program provides the skills and knowledge needed to excel in both academic and professional environments

  • Master of Applied Economics and Policy (MAEP) Our MAEP program is designed to offer a unique combination of courses that will prepare you for work in the specialized field of economic policy. As a graduate, you will be prepared to immediately secure a position in the working world.
