Science in the News

Science @ UWindsor Latest News

Drug design earns honour for computational chemist

- Apr 2, 2024

Your next treatment for anxiety or cancer may be residing right now on Aziz Abu-Saleh’s computer.

As a post-doctoral researcher in the lab of professor John Trant, Dr. Abu-Saleh specializes in computational chemistry, leveraging advanced computer modeling techniques and machine learning to design drugs targeting a range of health issues, including anxiety, cancer, COVID-19, and obesity...

Funding to advance neutron research program

- Apr 1, 2024

Drew Marquardt took another step forward in his quest to bring neutron scattering to the forefront of material research and cancer treatment in Windsor when he received the Early Researcher Awards (ERA) program from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.

The five-year award comes with $140,000 along with an...

Solar eclipse subject of public seminar

- Apr 1, 2024

Department of Physics astronomy instructor Steve Pellarin is presenting a public seminar on Friday, April 5, about the upcoming total solar eclipse.

Canadian national co-ordinator for astronomy outreach for the International Astronomical Union, he will give the audience a glimpse of what to expect.

“I’ll be presenting information about how solar eclipses work, what will happen...

Physics program leads grad to career treating cancer

- Mar 28, 2024

As one of the first to graduate from the UWindsor medical physics program, Khadija Sheikh (BSc 2012) is quick to sing the praises of the niche program.

“I truly owe my success to Windsor; it was Because of Science at UWindsor,” says Dr. Sheikh. “It was one of the best four years of my life.”

And success has followed her. After graduating from the University of Windsor, she...

Event to showcase research into dementia

- Mar 25, 2024

An event April 9 promising to unveil groundbreaking research into dementia and Alzheimer’s disease will feature UWindsor professors.

Psychology professor emeritus Jerome Cohen and Siyaram Pandey of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry will share their preclinical research aimed at halting the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Their presentation will delve into innovative...

Academic foundation helps student thrive in co-op position

- Mar 22, 2024

Sharjeel Mustafa’s journey through the practical application of his studies helped unveil a clearer direction for his future: exploring the realm of machine learning.

A computer science student, Mustafa completed his co-op term at Swift Medical, a start-up tech company specializing in wound care management technology for health-care enterprises. Given the dynamic nature of start-ups,...

Exhibition a celebration of Indigenous representation

- Mar 21, 2024

A reception at Art Windsor-Essex tonight — Thursday, March 21 — will celebrate the opening of an exhibition of photographs and postcards showcasing the rich diversity of Indigeneity in the city.

The Waawiiatanong Forever project invited women and two-spirit folks to present themselves as they wanted to be...

Grad parlays internship experience into banking career

- Mar 20, 2024

Master of Applied Computing grad Mohit Agarwal (MAC 2023) believes in the power of hands-on learning and the impact it can have on one’s career trajectory. His internship experience served as a stepping stone towards securing full-time employment, as he was able to apply his academic knowledge and carve out a path to a successful future at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.


Media contact

Sara Elliott

Sara Elliott
Communications Coordinator
Phone: 519-253-3000, Ext. 3491