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Women Thinking About Innovative Ideas

Grant Funded Research Personnel

Hiring and employment of employees are subject to a number of policies that govern his or her treatment. The hiring of grant-supported personnel is also of concern to the administrative unit which also has fiduciary responsibility in ensuring that there is sufficient funding to pay grant-supported personnel. When deciding on the amount or hourly wage to pay grant-supported personnel, you may seek the advice of colleagues in your department/faculty.

Finance Department Information & forms for hiring Research Personnel

If the funding agency does not have guidelines or regulations regarding compensation, the rate of pay is negotiated with the student/non-student on an individual basis, but must fall within University of Windsor policies.

Even though the Tri-Council agencies have removed the policy on maximum stipend allowed for research personnel (Masters, PhD, post-doctoral fellows, etc.), researchers should review the guidelines set out in the “Use of Grant Funds” section of the Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide.

Contact Department Head or Associate Dean of Research for local guidelines or norms


Budget for an additional 14% for statutory benefit costs on top of the rate of pay. More specifically, for all grant-paid personnel, statutory benefits of 10% must be calculated and added to the rate of pay as these amounts will automatically be charged to your grant account. In addition, it must be decided if 4% vacation pay is to be included in or added to the rate of pay or to provide another type of vacation entitlement (e.g. 2 weeks paid).


For Non-Students, payment of discretionary benefits such as medical, dental and vision care are optional and can be paid by the grant (or not), usually only in the case of a one year term or greater. UHIP coverage for international non-students (i.e. OHIP equivalent) is mandatory and can either be self-paid, or paid by the researcher’s grant, if it is an eligible expense under the funding agency guidelines.

Contact Benefits & Records Administrator, ext. 2090, 5th Floor, Chrysler Hall Tower.

There are several ways to hire research personnel, each with its own process. As you prepare your application, you will need to consider what type of personnel you are hiring.

Student Research Appointments

  • Any student currently enrolled at the University of Windsor at any level
  • Can be paid as a single lump sum, like a scholarship, on a salaried basis or hourly based on a wage
  • If you are planning to pay a student on a salaried hourly basis, you must include an additional 14% in your budget to cover employer mandatory costs
  • Hiring forms will be completed and submitted to

If you will employ a student who will be paid directly by your department or faculty (such as a Graduate Assistant) you may be able to include this in your grant application as an in-kind contribution supported by the University. You should discuss this option with your research coordinator.

Other research personnel

  • May include students who work at other institutions, visiting scholars, or post-graduates
  • Can be paid as a single lump sum, like a scholarship, on a salaried basis or hourly based on a wage
  • If you are planning to pay a research assistant or associate on a salaried or hourly basis, you must include an additional 14% in your budget to cover employer mandatory costs
  • Hiring paperwork is processed by the Office of Research Finance and the Office of the Vice President, Research and Innovation

If you are paying research personnel on an hourly basis, time cards will be required.


For full details on how to hire a University of Windsor student, please review the Office of Human Resources Student Appointments information.

Contact Human Resources Reception,, ext. 2047, 5 th Floor, Chrysler Hall Tower.


If you are hiring a person who is not a University of Windsor student, hiring will be managed by the Office of the Vice President, Research and Innovation.Please review the appointment types that are available to researchers.

Contact Sandy Mehenka, Secretary to the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, ext. 3987,


Generally University of Windsor students are eligible to work on campus under their study permit.

Contact Mike Houston, Director, International Affairs, ext. 5060,


Must obtain a work permit.

Contact Sandy Mehenka, Secretary to the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, ext. 3987,