Two people shaking a hand over a filing a form

Submitting your Grant Application

For the purposes of research grant applications and contract proposals, institutional signing authority rests with the University rather than the Principal Investigator, the Head, or the Dean. Authority has been delegated to the Executive Director, Research and Innovation.

The University aims to hold the highest standards of accountability in the administration of its research activities. To this end, procedures have been established for the submission of applications and for the use of research funds. By carrying out these procedures, a sound and effective basis for accountability and ethical integrity takes place in research. Below is an overview of useful information that has been provided to assist in fulfilling your role in regard to research. 

In preparing applications, it is important to note the requirements of both the sponsor and the University. ORIS conducts reviews of all applications before they receive institutional approval (signature) and are forwarded to the sponsor. Our internal deadlines are usually one to two weeks before the sponsor deadline, but remember that the earlier you share your draft with our staff, the more time you will have to strengthen your proposal from the feedback given.

Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation Services for institutional approval. To obtain approval to submit your funding application, please submit a file in our ERSO Research Portal. Your file will be sent to your Deparmtent Head, Dean, and the Office of Research and Innovation Services. As part of your ERSO file submission, please upload all letters of support, budgets, and application materials, as these will be crucial to obtaining approval for your project. You may upload draft materials when submitting your ERSO file, and then append final materials using the Upload Documentation event form after the submission has been approved.

Please note that submitting an ERSO file for approval does not constitute submission of your application to the funding agency. You are still repsonsible for ensuring that your application is sent to the agency by any stated deadlines. If your funding application must be submitted by the institution, please make sure you are communicating with your Research Coordinator!

NOTE: ERSO submissions are required for all funded research, including research contracts. This ensures that all new researcher projects receive full approvals by Deans and Department Heads and that research grant accounts are set up. You should submit an ERSO file BEFORE submiting your agency application or finalizing a research contract.

For the purposes of research grant applications and contract proposals, institutional signing authority rests with the University rather than the Principal Investigator, the Head, or the Dean. Authority has been delegated to the Executive Director, Research and Innovation.

No research grant accounts will be established without the submission and approval of an ERSO file!

Unless specifically requested by the Funding Sponsor, applicants are not required to obtain necessary certifications (e.g. animal care, biohazard, human subjects) for a grant until funds are awarded. However, any research activity involving the use of animals, biohazards or humans, must be approved by the appropriate certification committee prior to commencing such work regardless of the funding decision (ie., funds will be held until such certification is received).

Sponsors often issue budget guidelines allowances for travel and accommodation, and the rates of reimbursement for indirect costs. If these costs are not outlined, please follow the University of Windsor travel policy and your department’s normal practice for personnel. If you find it difficult to determine your department’s pay practice, please consult with your research coordinator. Please obtain confirmation from the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, with respect to the percentage of indirect costs applicable to your funding proposal, if indirect costs are allowed by the sponsor. 

If the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation has agreed to any matching funds or other financial committments, you must submit a letter or email to that effect as an attachment when you submit your ERSO file. Failure to provide documentation of this committment will result in delays in receiving your matched funds. This is especially important when you are leveraging these committed funds on your application. We cannot sign off on leveraged match funds without documentation.

The University of Windsor policy, and that of most external agencies requires that all outgoing applications for external research funding require the following minimum signatures:

  • Principal Investigator - indicates acceptance of academic, professional, scientific, and technical responsibility for the project. In addition, it represents an undertaking to observe sponsor and University policies and regulations (e.g. open access policy on publications), as well as any special award conditions.
  • Academic Administrative Unit (AAU) Head - indicates that the department is willing to accommodate the project; that required facilities and services are available; and that the Principal Investigator meets known University and sponsor eligibility requirements. It also represents general acceptance of expressed or implied time commitments, including the willingness to recommend leave or other special arrangements as specified in the application.
  • Dean or Director - indicates their knowledge of this research and acknowledge overall responsibility for the provision of all resources other than those covered by the award that are necessary for the project’s execution. They further certify that space and any alteration costs thereto are available from Faculty resources and that if this is not the case, they will obtain prior approval from the Provost and Vice-President, Academic (such approval to be attached).
  • Vice-President, Research and Innovation and/or Executive Director, Research and Innovation - confirms that the institution will accept and administer funds in accordance with agreed terms and conditions or will negotiate acceptable terms if these are not established at the time of application; that the Principal Investigator will have access to, and normal use of, University facilities and services; and that, when applicable, the project has been, or will be, reviewed for human ethics, animal experimentation, radiation, biosafety hazards and controlled goods. 

For the purposes of research grant applications and contract proposals, institutional signing authority rests with the University rather than the Principal Investigator, the Head, or the Dean. Authority has been delegated to the Executive Director, Research and Innovation.