Donations funding research
If your project will be funded via a donation, please ensure you have communicated with the Gift Officer for your Faculty so that funds can be recorded and tax receipted correctly. Then, submit a new ERSO file to advise us of the funding and establish a research grant account. If donated funds will support an existing project, you should contact your Research Coordinator to determine how best to record and deposit the funds.
Lab fees
A lab-based research grant account (lab account) has the purpose of supporting internal and external use of a researcher’s managedequipment or services, paid for by a fee-for-service basis. This type of account may be preferred for research groupsthat conduct multiple, small-scale fee-for-service activities that require quick turn-around time. Submit a new ERSO file to request that a lab fees account be set up for your project, and ensure you have reviewed our Policy on Lab Fees Accounts.
Invoices are issued to the users of the equipment or to recipients of the service. There is a maximum amount for an external invoiceof $10,000.Any amount in excess of $10,000 should be discussed with the appropriate Research Coordinator in ORIS in order to determine the appropriate course of action.
External invoices:
PIs must email resfinance@uwindsor.cawith the following information for an invoice to be issued:
- Contact information for invoicing
- Amount for direct costs (equipment use/service)
- Amount for overhead (at 40%) on top of direct costs•
- External Invoice Request Form
Internal charges:
PIs must email resfinance@uwindsor.cawith the following information for a journal transfer:
- Amount for direct costs (equipment use/service)
- Account number for funds to be transferred from
- No overhead would be charged