Department of Psychology
University of Windsor
401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4, Canada
(519) 253-3000 x2225
Fax: (519) 973-7021
Room 191-2 Chrysler Hall South
Brief Biographical Sketch
I am a tenured Associate Professor in the Adult Clinical PhD track of the Psychology Department at the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. While I am a core member of our CPA/APA approved doctoral training program in Clinical Psychology, my PhD (University of Houston, TX, 1987) was in the area of Applied Social/Health Psychology.
Over the past 23 years, my professional identity has morphed somewhat and I now consider myself an interdisciplinary scholar who works at the interface of clinical-health psychology and positive psychology and who specializes in understanding and promoting change in health destructive “addictive” behaviors. Theoretically, I draw from the fields of social-cognitive psychology and positive psychology. In regards to the latter field, I have undertaken a program of addictions research that seeks to apply theory and research on ‘post-traumatic growth’ to understanding and facilitating “post-abstinence flourishing”.
According to my model of “positive recovery” from additions, given the right professional assistance, people who hit bottom due to an addictive disorder have the rare opportunity to rebuild their lives in new and better ways. In the field of positive psychology, this new and better way goes by the name “eudaimonic wellbeing”.
In terms of my research, a common theme that has run through my various lines of inquiry over the past 23 years is that I enjoy building bridges by doing interdisciplinary research. In particular, you will see I have a keen interest in blending different orientations. This interdisciplinary theme runs through my teaching and the collaborative research that I conduct with students who receive personalized mentoring in my lab. My interests focus on the six-way intersection of the fields of:
- Social psychology
- Positive psychology,
- Health psychology
- Counseling/clinical/abnormal psychology,
- Addictive behaviors, and
- Community psychology/public health
As examples of my applied orientation and my interdisciplinary interests, I point to recent chapters in a 2012 textbook by Frank Schneider and his colleagues entitled, “Applications of Social Psychology” , 2nd ed, Sage Publications. My first chapter is “Application of Social Psychology to Clinical Psychology” and my second chapter is entitled, “Applications of Social Psychology to Positive Mental Health”.
For more information,
Research Lab in Positive Psyc and addictions
Presentations at Professional Conferences
- Introduction to Clinical Psychology
- Positive Psychology
- Personality and Adjustment
- Research Methods in Clinical Psychology
Research, Interest & Expertise
- Addictions, positive psychology
- Interface of clinical-health psychology with social-personality psychology, with focus on addictive behaviours and their modification;
- Positive psychology as it applies to addictive behaviour change, with focus on existential spirituality (meaning/purpose in life);
- Resilience and strengths-based models of recovery and rehabilitation from substance misuse
- Etiology and psychosocial treatment of addictive behaviours;
- Interface of social psychology and abnormal/clinical psychology
Dr. Hart’s research bridges the disciplines and professions of clinical and health psychology. He has a specific interest with understanding health destructive addictive behaviours. These interests include, but are not limited to, substance abuse and compulsive gambling. His addiction research been informed by theoretical models rooted in social-cognitive psychology. Examples include the Theory of Planned Behaviour, the Health Belief Model and the Transtheoretical Model. Dr. Hart studies a variety of adaptational outcomes (emotional, biomedical, behavioural), attempting to identify factors and processes that act as moderators and mediators of these outcomes. Most of his studies in this area fall within the “resilience” paradigm. Thus, in addition to examining variables that confer increased risk/vulnerability, he also studies psychosocial “protection”. In sum, he is concern with understanding emotional, behavioural and physical health problems in the context of ‘stressful’ life conditions.
Recently, Dr. Hart’s research on health-relevant lifestyles has addressed the motivational psychology of readiness to seek treatment for compulsive behaviours considered to be ‘addictive’ in nature. This work interfaces the public health model of secondary prevention with the clinical model of remediation, and has been funded by the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre. His research has also received extramural funding support to address psychosocial and psychospiritual factors that influence success rates for the treatment of alcohol abuse and pathological gambling. Clinically-oriented studies on the process and outcome of professional treatment for addictive disorders are complemented with a balanced concern for conducting research that seeks to understand the psychology of using and benefiting from community-based 'recovery' resources. In particular, Dr. Hart has examined factors that influence the ability of 12-Step mutual-aid support groups to sustain long-term changes in quality of life. Studies along this line have involved clients who are struggling to overcome an addictive disorder.
Dr. Hart is also interested in Positive Psychology and some of his research on addictive behaviour change is being conducted from a strengths-based perspective known as the resilience paradigm. His resilience research on addictive behavior change seeks to identify (and eventually leverage) individual-based and community-based “coping” resources. Prospective graduate students should know that Dr. Hart is planning a new trajectory of addictions research that will focus specifically on better understanding the determinants and consequences of a strong sense of personal meaning and purpose in life.
If any of these topics interest you and you are considering graduate studies in our PhD program in Adult Clinical Psychology, feel free to contact Dr. Hart at:
Member of the following groups:
- Problem Gambling
- Substance Abuse
- Forgiveness
- Health Psychology
Note to Prospective Graduate Students
Currently (2007-2008) Dr. Hart has openings in his research lab and is willing to consider taking in new graduate students for purposes thesis/dissertation supervision. Past students in Dr. Hart’s lab have enjoyed high levels funding success and co-authorships on disseminations. Examples of scholarships that students have won include OGS, SSHRC and OPGRC (Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre). Two of Dr. Hart’s former students have each received $105, 000.00 SSHRC grants, and Master’s level and Doctoral level OPGRC grants have also been won.
Publications, Lectures & Presentations
* indicates student author ** indicates student coauthor
- Rounding*, K., Hart, K.E., Hibbard, S. & Carroll*, M. (accepted, 2011). Emotional resilience in young adults who were reared by depressed parents: Moderating effects of offspring religiosity/spirituality. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health.
- Hart, K.E, Ledgerwood*, D. & Ianni*, P (in press, 2012). Applying Social Psychology to the Practice of Clinical Psychology. Chapter to appear in: F. Schneider, L. Coutts, & J. Gruman. Applied Social Psychology : Understanding and addressing social and practical problems (2nd Ed). Sage, Thousand Oaks, California.
- Hart, K.E. & Ianni*, P. (in press, 2012). The Social Psychology of Positive Mental Health: Positive Psychology. Chapter to appear in: F. Schneider, L. Coutts, & J. Gruman. Applied Social Psychology : Understanding and addressing social and practical problems (2nd Ed). Sage, Thousand Oaks, California.
- Hart, K.E. & Sasso*, T. (2011). Mapping the contours of contemporary positive psychology. Canadian Psychology. 52, 82-92 (special issue on Positive Psychology in Canada)
- Ianni*, P. & Hart, K.E., Hibbard, S. & Carroll, M. (2010). Association of Alcohol Misuse and Self-Forgiveness Depends on Severity of Drinker’s Shame: Toward a Buffering Model. Addictive Disorders and Their Treatment, 9, 106-111.
- Hart, K.E. & McGarragle*, O, (2010). Perceived Social Support from Addictions Counselors and Client Sobriety During Aftercare: A Pilot Study of Emotional Support and Functional Support. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 28(2), 198-229
- Hart, K.E. & Singh*, T. (2009). An Existential Model of Flourishing Subsequent to Treatment for Addiction: The Importance of Living a Meaningful and Spiritual Life. Illness, Crisis and Loss. 17, 125-147.
- Gomes*, K. & Hart, K.E. (2009). Adherence to Recovery Practices Prescribed by Alcoholics Anonymous: Benefits to Sustained Abstinence and Subjective Quality of Life. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 27, 223-235.
- Wilson*, T., Milosevic*, A. Hart, K.E. & Hibbard, S. (2008). Reported Biomedical Health Status in Relation to Self-Forgiveness and Forgiveness of Others. Journal of Health Psychology, 13, 797-802.
- Wohl, M.J.A., Young, M.M., & Hart, K. (2007). Perceived luck as a personal quality: Relationship to DSM gambling symptoms, enjoyment of gambling and treatment readiness. Substance Use and Misuse, 42, 43-63.
- Hart, K., Wilson*, T., & Hittner, J.A. (2006). Psychosocial resilience model to account for medical well-being in relation to sense of coherence. Journal of Health Psychology, 11, 861-865.
- Hart, K., & Hugget, C. (2005). Narcissism: A barrier to personal acceptance of the spiritual aspects of Alcoholics Anonymous. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 23, 85-110.
- Wohl, M.J.A., Young, M., & Hart, K. (2005). Untreated young gamblers with game-specific problems: Self-concept involving luck, gambling ecology, and delay in seeking profession treatment. Addiction Research and Theory, 13, 445-459.
- Hart, K., & Warriner*, E. (2005). Weight loss and biomedical health improvement in a very low calorie diet: The moderating role of history of weight cycling. Behavioral Medicine, 30, 161-170.
- Hart, K. & Hope*, C. (2004). Cynical hostility and the psychosocial vulnerability model of disease risk: Confounding effects of neuroticism bias. Personality and Individual Differences, 36, 1571-1582.
- Hart, K. & Fazza*, N. (2004). Life stress events and alcohol misuse: Distinguishing contributing stress events from consequential stress events. Substance Use and Misuse, 39, 1319-1339.
- Hart, K.& Fiisel*, D. (2003). Do adult offspring of alcoholics suffer from poor medical health? A three group comparison design controlling for self-report bias. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 35, 52-72.
- Carey*, T., Hart, K.E., & Ianni*, P. (2011). Alcohol abusers who are striving toward the goal of purposeful living are more motivated to quit or cut back. Presented at the national convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 2-5.
- Ianni*, P.A., Hart, K.E., & Carey*, T. (2011). Alcohol abuse and self-perceptions of religious-spiritual identity: Towards a more inclusive model of relating to the sacred. Presented at the national convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 2-5.
- Robinson*, A.E.R. & Hart, K.E. (2011). The influence of negative outcome expectancies on motivational readiness to change in treatment resistant pathological gamblers. Presented at the national convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 2-5.
- Smith, C.S. & Hart, K.E. ( 2011). The University of Windsor’s student engagement initiative: A progress report. Presented at the 5th Annual Conference Teaching and Learning: Moving beyond the traditional classroom: Engaging students through experience. University of Windsor, May 19-20th.
- Carey*, T. & Hart, K.E. ( 2011). Effects of History of Negative Drinking Consequences in Binge Drinkers on Motivation to Quit or Cut Back: The Mediating Role of Future Negative Expectancies. Presented at the 2011 convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), San Antonio, Texas, January.
- Robinson*, A. & Hart, K.E. ( 2011). Understanding Readiness to Quit or Cut Back on Gambling in a Treatment Resistant Sample: Effects of Negative Outcome Expectancies. Presentated at the 2011 convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), San Antonio, Texas, January.
- Hart, K.E. (2010). A Manualized 12-Step Intervention to Facilitate Forgiveness of Self and Others. Invited Preconference CE workshop given in conjunction with the conference of the International Network on Personal Meaning (INPM, Vancouver, Canada, August 5-8, 2010
- Hart, K.E. & Carey*, T. (2010). Will Resilience Research Take Over the Future of Positive Psychology. Invited Presentation given at the Future of Positive Psychology symposium of the conference of the International Network on Personal Meaning (INPM, Vancouver, Canada, August 5-8, 2010
- Ianni*, P., Hart, K.E., Hibbard, S., Carroll, M., Milosevic*, A. & Wilson*, T. (2010). Lack of Perceived Meaning in Life as an Existential-Spiritual Risk Factor for Alcohol Abuse: Moderating Effects of Gender. Paper presented at the 2010 conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, January.
- Hart, K.E., Frisch, G.R. & Carey*, T. (2010). Determinants and Consequences of Negative Gambling Outcome Expectancies: DSM Severity, Perceived Moderation Inefficacy and Readiness to Change. Paper presented at the 2010 conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, January.
- Robinson*, A.E.R. & Hart, K.E. (2010). Religiosity/Spirituality and Abstinence Self-Efficacy During Treatment for Addiction: The Mediating Effects of Subjective Meaning in Life. Paper presented at the 2010 conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, January.
- Rounding*, K., Hart, K.E., Hibbard, S., Carroll, M., Wilson*, T. & Milosevic*, A. (2010). A comparison of males and females on six indices of religiosity/spirituality.Paper presented at the 2010 conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, January.
- Rounding*, K., Hart, K.E., Hibbard, S., Carroll, M., Wilson*, T. & Milosevic*, A. (2010). Expanding the Religion-Forgiveness Discrepancy Effect: The Religion-Seeking Forgiveness Paradox. Paper presented at the 2010 conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, January.
- Rounding*, K., Dufresne, A., Jacobson, J.A. & Hart, K.E. (2009). Evaluating a Community-Based Treatment Program for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness. Presented at the 2009 conference, “Making Gains in Addictions and Mental Health”, Toronto, Canada, Hyatt Regency Hotel, November 2-4.
- Pocrnic*, A, Hart, K.E. & Singh*, T. (2009). Involvement in Alcoholics Anonymous During Aftercare: Beneficial Effects on Criminal Offending Behavior, Abstinence, and Subjective Quality of Life. Presented at the 2009 conference, “Making Gains in Addictions and Mental Health”, Toronto, Canada, Hyatt Regency Hotel, November 2-4.
- Hart, K.E., Frisch, G.R. & Rounding*, K. (2009). Cutting Back on Wagering: A Study of Factors that Influence Perceived Confidence in the Ability to Gamble in Moderation. Presented at the 2009 conference, “Making Gains in Addictions and Mental Health”, Toronto, Canada, Hyatt Regency Hotel, November 2-4.
- Robinson*, A.E.R. & Hart, K.E. (2009). Benefits of Supplementing Professional Treatment with Participation in Alcoholics Anonymous: Effects on Relapse Proneness, Social Support and Quality of Life. Presented at the 2009 conference, “Making Gains in Addictions and Mental Health”, Toronto, Canada, Hyatt Regency Hotel, November.
- Ianni*, P, Hart, K.E., Hibbard, S., Carroll, M., Milosevic*, A & Wilson*, T. (2009). Familial Effects on Alcohol Abuse: A Comparison of Male and Female Offspring of Alcohol Abusing Parents: A Four Group Comparison. Presented at the 2009 conference, “Making Gains in Addictions and Mental Health”, Toronto, Canada, Hyatt Regency Hotel, November 2-4.
- Ianni*, P, Hart, K.E., Hibbard, S., Carroll, M., Milosevic*, A & Wilson*, T. (2009). Protective Effects of Forgiveness on Alcohol Abuse: A Study of Resilience in Young Adults Reared in Families Where Parents Abused Alcohol. Presented at the 2009 conference, “Making Gains in Addictions and Mental Health”, Toronto, Canada, Hyatt Regency Hotel, November 2-4.
- Hart, K.E. & Frisch, G.R. (2009). Severity of Gambling Pathology and Ambivalent Readiness to Seek Treatment. Presented at the 2009 convention of the American Psychological Association (APA – Division 50, Addictions), Toronto, Canada, August, 2009.
- Hart, K.E. & McCall, C.C. & Rounding*, K). Existential and Spiritual Wellbeing: Differential Associations to Medical Health Symptoms. Presented at the 2009 convention of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June.
- Hart, K.E. & McGarragle*, O. (2009) Emotional Support & Support for Alcoholics Anonymous Involvement from Counselors Prevents Post-Discharge Relapse. Presented at the 2009 convention of the American Psychological Association (APA,Division 50, Addictions), Toronto, Canada, August, 2009.
- Kapeleris*, A., Hart, K.E., & Edmondson*, E. (2009). Psychometric Validation of a New 16-Item Measure of Readiness to Change Alcohol Consumption in Binge Drinker. Presented at the 2009 convention of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June, 2009.
- Robinson*, A., Hart, K.E., Pocrnic*, A. & Singh*, T. (2009). An Existential Approach to “Hitting Rock Bottom” in Alcohol Abusers: A Study of Treatment Seekers. Presented at the 2009 convention of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June.
- Rounding*, K., Hart, K.E. Milosevic*, A., Wilson*, T. Hibbard, S., & Carroll*, M. (2009). A Comparison of Males and Females on Six Indices of Religiosity and Spirituality. Presented at the 2009 convention of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June.
- Rounding*, K., Hart, K.E., Hibbard, S., Carroll*, M., Wilson*, T., & Milosevic*, A. (2009). Religiosity-Spirituality and Medical Health: Paradoxical Findings and Mediating Effects of Emotions. Presented at the 2009 convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), Toronto, Canada, August.
- Robinson*, A., Hart, K.E., Singh*, T., & Pocrnic*, A. (2009). Relevance of Viktor Frankl’s Existential Psychology to Understanding Alcohol Abuse and Treatment Seeking. Presented at the 2009 convention of the American Psychological Association (APA, Division 50, Addictions), Toronto, Canada, August.
- Ianni* P., Hart, K.E., Wilson*, T, Milosevic*, A, Carroll*, M., & Hibbard, S. (2009). Protective Effects of Self-Forgiveness on Alcohol Abuse Depend on Severity of Shame. Presented at the 2009 convention of the American Psychological Association (APA, Division 50, Addictions), Toronto, Canada, August.
- Kapeleris*, A., Hart, K.E., & Edmondson*, E. (2009). Comparing Two Methods for Scoring Readiness to Change Questionnaires: Transtheoretical Application to Binge Drinking. Presented at the 2009 convention of the American Psychological Association (APA, Division 50, Addictions), Toronto, Canada, August.
- Rounding* K., & Hart, K.E., Hibbard, S., Carroll* M., Wilson* T., & Milosevic*A. (2009). Effects of parental depression on their offspring’s religiosity and spirituality. Presented at the conference of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), Tampa, Florida, February, USA.
- Ianni* P., Hart, K.E., Wilson*, T, Milosevic*, A, Carroll*, M., & Hibbard, S. (2009) A facet of forgiveness related to self acceptance may protect against alcohol abuse in offspring of alcoholics. Presented at the conference of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), Tampa, Florida, February, USA.
- Pocrnic* A.J., Hart, K.E., & Singh* T. (2009). A review of non-clinical studies testing whether perceived meaning-purpose in life protects against alcohol abuse. Presented at the conference of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), Tampa, Florida, February, USA.
- Edmondson* E. & Hart, K.E. (2009). Controlled drinking inefficacy interacts with trait need for control in predicting readiness to change binge drinking. Presented at the conference of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), Tampa, Florida, February, USA.
- Hart, K.E., Robinson* A., & Shapiro, D. (2009). Spirituality and religiosity in a randomized clinical trial of forgiveness. Presented at the ‘Psychology of Religion and Spirituality Preconference’ to the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) conference, Tampa, Florida, February, USA.
- Hart, K.E., & Singh*, T. (2008). Striving for the peak but hitting rock bottom: The existential high and lows of alcoholism. Invited paper given at the 2008 conference of the International Network on Personal Meaning (INPM;, Courtyard Marriott Hotel, Toronto, Canada, July 24-27.
- Singh*, T., & Hart, K.E. (2008). From suffering to flourishing: The transformational effects of finding meaning and spiritual striving in overcoming addiction. Presented at the 2008 conference of the International Network on Personal Meaning (INPM; Courtyard Marriott Hotel, Toronto, Canada, July 24-27. This study won Mr. Singh a certificate of honour & a cash award for winning 2nd place in the Best Student Paper Competition.
- Rounding*, K. & Hart, K.E. (2008). Resilient Outcomes in Offspring Reared By Depressed Parents: Protective Effects of Offspring Spirituality/Religiosity. Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association (Division 36: Religion). Boston, MA. USA
- Hart, K.E. (2007). Motivation to Achieve Spiritual Goals in 12-Step Recovery from Addiction. Paper presented at at the American Psychological Association (Division 50: Addictions). San Francisco, California, August.
- Hart, K.E. (2007). Teaching Recovering Alcoholics How to Forgive: Spiritual and Emotional Benefits. Invited public Lecture given at Tyndale University College and Seminary, Toronto, Canada, April
- Hart, K.E. (2006). Does ‘Spirituality’ Facilitate the Resolution of Alcohol Use Disorders? A Brief Review of the Knowledge Base. Invited paper delivered as Templeton Public Lecture at the “Addictions, Spirituality and Meaning Conference”, Sponsored by the Network on Personal Meaning (, Vancouver, Canada, July.
- Hart, K.E. (2006). Understanding the Spiritual Path of Alcoholics Anonymous for Recovery from Alcoholism. Invited Continuing Education (CE) workshop given at the “Addictions, Spirituality and Meaning” conference, Sponsored by the International Network on Personal Meaning (, Vancouver, Canada, July (invited workshop)
- Chagigiorgis*, H., Wilson*, T., Milosevic*, A, Hart, K.E., Hibbard, S. & Carroll*, M. (2006). Emotional Understanding and Conflicted Emotional Expression in Self and Other-Forgiveness. Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association (Division 12: Clinical). New Orleans, LA. USA.
- Alleva*, E.M., & Hart, K.E. (2006). Motivational Readiness to Change: Effects of Negative Drinking Outcome Expectancies.Paper presentated at the convention of the American Psychological Association (Division 50: Addictions), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- Hart, K.E. & Gervais,* N. & Frisch, R. (2006). Influences on Motivation for Abstinence and Moderation in Recovering Gamblers. Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association (Division 50: Addictions), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- Gomes,* K. & Hart, K.E. (2006). Active Involvement in Alcoholics Anonymous: Effects on Sobriety and Well-Being.Paper presented at the convention of the APA (Division 50: Addictions), New Orleans, LA., USA.
- Hart, K.E. (2006). Time Urgency/Irritability as a Personality-Based Health Risk. Paper presented at the convention of the Society for Personality & Social Psychology, Palm Springs, California, January, USA.
- Carroll*, M., Hibbard, S., Hart, K.E., Gingrich*, L. (2005). Parental Alcoholism and Relationship Problems Among Offspring. Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- Carroll*, M., Hibbard, S., Hart, K.E., Milosevic*, A., Wilson*, T., Gingrich*, L. (2005). Parental Alcoholism, Family Expressiveness and Alexithymia. Convention of the APA (Div 50), Washington, DC., August, USA.
- Wilson*, T. & Hart, K.E. (2005). Role of Spirituality and Alcoholics Anonymous ‘Steps’ Involvement in Native’s Recovery from Alcoholism. Paper presented at the 2005 convention of the American Psychological Association (Division 50- Addictions), Washington, DC., August, USA.
- Milosevic*, A., Wilson*, T., Hibbard, S. Hart, K.E., Carroll*, M. & Gingrich*, L (2005). Gender Moderates the Effect of Self and Other-Forgiveness on Medical Health. Presentated at the 2005 convention of the American Psychological Association (Division 38-Health Psych), Washington, DC., August, USA.
- Hart, K.E. & Shapiro, D.A. (2005). Learning to Forgive and Spiritual Growth: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Mid-Year Conference on Spirituality, Religiosity and Health. Loyola University, Maryland, April, USA
- Wohl, M.J., Young*, M.M. & Hart, K.E. (2004). Perceived Personal Luck Inhibits Treatment Readiness in the Context of Problem and Pathological Gambling. Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association,, Hawaii, July/August, USA.
- Gingrich, L., Hibbard, S., Carroll, & Hart, K. (2004). Narcissism among Adult Children of Alcoholics. Poster paper given at the Annual Scientific Exchange, Society for Personality Assessment, Miami, Florida, March.
- Wilson*, T. & Hart, K.E. (2004). Ethnic Identity and Spirituality as Predictors of Abstinence Self-Efficacy in Native Indian Alcoholic Inpatients. Paper presented at the convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, November, USA.
- McGarragle*, O., Cheng*, M.K., & Hart, K.E. (2004). Emotional and Instrumental Support from Alcoholism Treatment Staff in Relation to Client Drinking Outcomes. Paper presented at the convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, November, USA.
- Hibbard, S., Carroll*, M., Gingrich*, L. & Hart, K.E. (2004). Retrospective Identification of Parental Alcoholism in a Student Population. Paper presented at the APA convention, Hawaii, July/August, USA.
- Singh**, T. & Hart, K.E. (submitted, 2008). Positive Psychology: Adherence to Alcoholics Anonymous During Aftercare and the Bountiful Life. Paper submitted to the convention of the American Psychological Association (Division 50: Addictions). Boston, Massachusetts, August.
- Rounding**, K. & Hart, K.E. (submitted, 2008). A Resilience Model Featuring Spirituality/Religiosity as Protecting Against Depression in Offspring Reared by Depressed Parents. Paper submitted to the convention of the American Psychological Associ
- Hart, K.E. (2007). Motivation to Achieve Spiritual Goals in 12-Step Recovery from Addiction. Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association (Division 50: Addictions). San Francisco, California, August.
- Hart, K.E. (2007). Teaching Recovering Alcoholics How to Forgive: Spiritual and Emotional Benefits. Invited public lecture, Tyndale University College and Seminary, Toronto, Canada, April.(see and )
- Hart, K.E. (2006). Does ‘Spirituality’ Facilitate the Resolution of Alcohol Use Disorders? A Brief Review of the Knowledge Base. Invited paper delivered as Templeton Public Lecture at the “Addictions, Spirituality and Meaning Conference”, Sponsored by the Network on Personal Meaning (see, Vancouver, Canada, July.
- Hart, K.E. (2006). Understanding the Spiritual Path of Alcoholics Anonymous for Recovery from Alcoholism. Invited Continuing Education (CE) workshop given at the “Addictions, Spirituality and Meaning Conference”, Sponsored by the International Network on Personal Meaning (, Vancouver, Canada, July.
- Chagigiorgis**, H., Wilson**, T., Milosevic**, A, Hart, K.E., Hibbard, S. & Carroll**, M. (2006). Emotional Understanding and Conflicted Emotional Expression in Self and Other-Forgiveness. Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association (Division 12: Clinical). New Orleans, LA. USA.
- Alleva**, E.M., & Hart, K.E. (2006). Motivational Readiness to Change: Effects of Negative Drinking Outcome Expectancies. Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association (Division 50: Addictions), New Orleans, LA., USA.
- Hart, K.E. & Gervais,** N. & Frisch, R. (2006). Influences on Motivation for Abstinence and Moderation in Recovering Gamblers. Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association (Division 50: Addictions), New Orleans, LA., USA.
- Gomes,** K. & Hart, K.E. (2006). Active Involvement in Alcoholics Anonymous: Effects on Sobriety and Well-Being.Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association (Division 50: Addictions), New Orleans, LA., USA.
- Hart, K.E. (2006). Time Urgency/Irritability as a Personality-Based Health Risk. Paper presented at the convention of the Society for Personality & Social Psychology, Palm Springs, California, January, USA.
- Carroll**, M., Hibbard, S., Hart, K.E., Gingrich**, L. (2005). Parental Alcoholism and Relationship Problems Among Offspring. Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- Carroll**, M., Hibbard, S., Hart, K.E., Milosevic**, A., Wilson**, T., Gingrich**, L. (2005). Parental Alcoholism, Family Expressiveness and Alexithymia. Convention of the APA (Div 50), Washington, DC., August, USA.
- Wilson**, T. & Hart, K.E. (2005). Role of Spirituality and Alcoholics Anonymous ‘Steps’ Involvement in Native’s Recovery from Alcoholism. Paper presented at the 2005 convention of the American Psychological Association (Division 50- Addictions), Washington, DC., August, USA.
- Milosevic**, A., Wilson**, T., Hibbard, S., Hart, K.E., Carroll**, M. & Ginrich**, L (2005). Gender Moderates the Effect of Self and Other-Forgiveness on Medical Health. Presentated at the 2005 convention of the American Psychological Association (Division 38-Health Psych), Washington, DC., August, USA.
- Hart, K.E. & Shapiro, D.A. (2005). Learning to Forgive and Spiritual Growth: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Mid-Year Conference on Spirituality, Religiosity and Health. Loyola University, Maryland, April, USA
- Wohl, M.J., Young**, M.M. & Hart, K.E. (2004). Perceived Personal Luck Inhibits Treatment Readiness in the Context of Problem and Pathological Gambling. Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association,, Hawaii, July/August, USA.
- Wilson**, T. & Hart, K.E. (2004). Ethnic Identity and Spirituality as Predictors of Abstinence Self-Efficacy in Native Indian Alcoholic Inpatients. Paper presented at the convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, November, USA.
- McGarragle**, O., Cheng**, M.K., & Hart, K.E. (2004). Emotional and Instrumental Support from Alcoholism Treatment Staff in Relation to Client Drinking Outcomes. Paper presented at the convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, November, USA.
- Hibbard, S., Carroll**, M., Gingrich**, L. & Hart, K.E. (2004). Retrospective Identification of Parental Alcoholism in a Student Population. Paper presented at the APA convention, Hawaii, July/August, USA.
- Hart, K.E. & Shapiro, D.A., Wilson**, T. & Wilkie**, H. (2003). Teaching Angry Clients How to Forgive: Two 10-Session Group Format Programs.. Paper to be presented at the Templeton Forgiveness Convention, practitioners track. Atlanta, Georgia, October, USA.
- Hart, K.E. & Shapiro, D.A, Wilkie**, H. & Wilson**, T. D.A. (2003). Reducing Grudges: Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Enright’s Model of Forgiveness to a Spiritual Model Based on Alcoholics Anonymous. Paper to be presented at the Templeton Forgiveness Convention, scientific track. Atlanta, Georgia, October, USA.
- Hart, K.E., Shapiro, D.A., Wilson**, T. & Wilkie**, H. (2003). Teaching angry people how to forgive. Paper presented at the convention of the Assoc for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA, November, USA.
- Hope**, C. & Hart, K.E. (2003). Personality and Health Risk: Psychosocial Vulnerability to Disease in Cynically Hostile Individuals. Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Hamilton, Ontario, June.
- Hart, K.E., Shapiro, D.A., Wilkie**, H. & Wilson**, T. (2003). Teaching People How to Forgive. Invited paper presented at the 2003 convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, August (symposium chaired by Dr. Mike McCullough).
- Wilson** T. & Hart, K.E. (2003). Positive Psychology: Psychosocial Protection Associated with the Sense of Coherence. Paper presented at the 2003 convention of the American Psych Association, Toronto, Canada, August.
- Hart, K.E. & Huggett,** C. (2003). Humility and Level of Involvement in the ‘Steps’ of Alcoholics Anonymous. Paper presented at the 2003 convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada. August.
- Hart, K.E. & Wilkie** H. (2003). Treatment-Specific Alcohol Social Support: Association to Adherence and Abstinence Self-Efficacy. Paper presented at the 2003 convention of the APA, Toronto, Canada. August.
- Hart, K.E.& Shapiro, D.A., Wilson**, T. & Wilkie**, H. (2003). Emotional and Spiritual Change in Two Forgiveness Interventions. Paper given at the convention of the American Psych Association, Toronto, Canada. August.
- Cornock**, B., Hart, K.E. & Willner, P. (2003). Illegal Alcohol Sales to Underage Adolescents: The Role of Gender and Age in Alcohol Consumption and Purchases. Paper presented at the convention of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, Florida, April.
- Hart, K.E.; Shapiro, D.A.; Gervais**, N., Wilson,** & Wilkie** H. (2002). A Controlled Clinical Trial Testing Two Forgiveness Interventions with Sober But Angry Alcoholics At Risk for Relapse. Paper presented at the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, SIG Poster Exhibition. Reno, NV, November.
- Hart, K.E. & Huggett**, C. (2002). Lack of Humility as a Barrier to Surrendering to the Spiritual Aspect of Alcoholics Anonymous. Paper presented at the World Forum on Drugs, Dependencies and Society. Montreal, Canada, September.
- Hart, K.E. & Fiisell,** D. (2002 Do Adult Children of Alcoholics Have Poor Medical Health? Paper presented at the World Forum on Drugs, Dependencies and Society. Montreal, Canada, September.
- Hart, K.E. & Shapiro, D.A.. (2002). Secular and Spiritual Forgiveness Interventions For Recovering Alcoholics Harboring Grudges. Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois, August.
- Hart, K.E. & Shapiro, D.A.. (2002). Secular and Spiritual Forgiveness Interventions For Recovering Alcoholics Harboring Grudges. Paper accepted for presentation at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois, August.
- Hart, K.E. & Horton, D. (2001). Using the Internet and ‘Cyber-tutorials’ as an Adjunct to Teaching Psychology To Undergraduates. Invited paper presented at the symposium, “The WWW: It’s impact on psychology teaching and research.” British Psychological Association conference, Glasgow, Scotland, March-April, UK.
- Raynor, T., Thistlethwaite, J.E. & Hart, K.E. (2000). Attitudes of qualifying health professionals to the new philosophy of ‘concordance’ in medicine taking. Paper presented at the International Conference on Social Pharmacy, Kuopio, Finland, June.
- Thistlethwaite, J.E., Raynor, T. & Hart, K.E. (2000). Attitudes of doctors, pharmacists and medical students toward the taking and prescribing of medication. Paper presented at the conference of the Association for the Study of Medical Education, Cardiff, Wales, September, United Kingdom.
- Raynor, T., Thistlethwaite, J.E. & Hart, K.E. (2000). Health professional’s attitudes toward taking and prescribing medicine. Paper presented at the 9th Ottawa conference on Medical Education, Cape Town, South Africa, March.
- Hart, K.E. & Shapiro, D.A. (2000). Secular and spiritual forgiveness therapies for addicted people suffering from grudges. Invited paper. Presented at the 23rd Denton Conference on Implicit Religion. May, Ilkley, UK
- Hart, K.E. & Shapiro, D.A. (2000). Interventions to foster forgiveness and reconciliation among angry members of 12 step mutual-aid social support addiction recovery groups. Presented at the conference of the Society for the Study of Theology, Oxford, April, United Kingdom
- Hart, K.E. & Shapiro, D.A. (1999). A patient-treatment matching study to foster forgiveness and reconciliation among angry people in 12-step recovery from addiction. Presented at the conference of the British Psychological Society, Division on Consciousness Research, Oxford, August, United Kingdom.
- McCall,** C. & Hart, K.E. (1999). Is the relationship between spirituality and physical well-being spurious? British Psychological Society, Division on Consciousness Research, Oxford, England, August.
- Hart, K.E. & Gregory,** C. (1998). Inventory of Functional Support for Alcoholism Treatment Adherence (IFSATA-Form 1): Preliminary Psychometric Data. Presented at the national conference of the Society for the Study of Addiction, York, November, UK.
- Hart, K.E. & McAleer,** M. (1998). Anger Coping Style in Adult Children of Alcoholics. Presented at the convention of the Society for the Study of Addiction, York, November, UK.
- Hart, K.E. (1995). Stress Coping Strategies and Emotional Response to Stress Exposure: Different Methods of Scoring Coping Data Yield Divergent Results. Paper presented at the convention of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Hart, K.E. (1995). Cognitive Appraisal of Stress: Associations to Physiological & Emotional Reactivity to Stress Exposure: An Experimental Lab Study. Paper presented at the convention of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Hart, K.E. (1995). Recovery from Alcoholism: The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and Eastern Spirituality Paper presented at the International New Thought Alliance, Portland, Oregon, USA.
- Hart, K.E. & Stevens,** K. (1995). Teaching of Introductory Psychology: The Use and Evaluation of Video Supplements. Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, New York City, USA.
- Hart, K.E. & Hittner,** J.B. (1994). The Stress Resilient Personality: Optimism and Coping with Stress: Methodological Improvements. Paper presented at Eastern Psychological Association, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
- Hart, K.E. & Sciutto,** M.J. (1994). Gender Differences in Alcohol-Related Life Stress Events. Paper presented at the convention of the Eastern Psychological Association, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
- Hart, K.E. & Scuitto,** M.J. (1994). Women’s Health: Perceived Social Support Among Coronary-Prone (hostile) Women. Paper presented at the convention of the Eastern Psyc Association, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
- Hart, K.E. & Scuitto,** M.J. (1994). Optimism, Pessimism and Seeking Social Support: A Study of Stress Resilience. Paper presented at the convention of the EPA, Providence, Rhode Island.
- Hart, K.E., Scuitto,** M.J. & Stevens,** K.P. (1994). Anger Coping Styles: Interpersonal Costs and Benefits. Paper presented at the convention of the Eastern Psychological Association, Providence, RI, USA.
- Hart, K.E. & McAleer,** M.A. (1993). A Methodological Study of Anger-Suppression Coping Style: Spielberger Assessment vs Harburg Assessment. The convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA.
- Hart, K.E. & Scuitto,** M.J. (1993). The Psychology of Teaching: Goal-Based Assessment of Instructional Impact on Cognitive Outcomes. Paper presented at the conference on Undergraduate Teaching of Psychology, Ellenville, New York, USA.
- Hart, K.E. & Scuitto,** M.J. (1993). The Psychology of Teaching: Goal-Based Assessment of Instructional Impact on Cognitive Outcomes. Paper presented at the conference on Undergraduate Teaching of Psychology, Ellenville, New York, USA.
- Hart, K.E., Scuitto,** M. & Stevens,** K. (1993). Anger Coping Style and Perceived Availability of Social Support Paper presented at the joint convention of the Western Psychological Association and Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
- Cinelli,** L.A. & Hart, K.E. (1992). Socially-Assisted Coping: Seeking Social Support Among Hostile Coronary- Prone Individuals. Special Blue-Ribbon “Citation” paper presented at the convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New York City (won recognition for best student paper in session)
- Hart, K.E. (1992). Anger-Coping Styles and Exposure to Stressful Anger-Provoking Situations: Influence of Paper given at the convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New York City.
- Hart, K.E. (1992). Teaching Interdisciplinary Psychology at the Post-Graduate Level: The Interface of Social Psychology, Clinical/Abnormal Psychology and Counseling Psychology. APA Division 2 (Teaching of Psychology) symposium presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. (organized and chaired by myself).
- Hart, K.E. (1992). A Methodological Study of Stress-Coping Strategies: Procedure Used to Score Coping Data Influences Results. Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association, Austin, Texas.
- Hart, K.E. (1992). The Psychology of Teaching: Instructor Effectiveness can be Evaluated by Assessing Student Knowledge Gains. Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association, Austin, Texas.
- Hart, K.E. & Hittner,** J.B. (1992) . Multiple Addictions: Polysubstance Use and Abuse.. Presented at the convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New York City
- Hart, K.E. & Hittner,** J.B. (1992). Critique of Social Support Research: The Neglect of the Neuroticism Confound. Paper presented at the convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New York City.
- Hart, K.E. & Noell,** G.H. (1992). Mapping The Interdisciplinary Interface of Social-Clinical-Counseling Psychology at the Level of Post-Graduate Education. Paper presented the Division 2 (Teaching of Psychology) symposium, “Teaching at the Interface of Social-Clinical-Counseling Psychology” APA convention, Washington, D.C.
- Hart, K.E. & Sciutto,** M.J. & Bulow,** P.J. (1992). Interdisciplinary Teaching: Evaluating Instructional Effectiveness at the Interface of Social-Clinical-Counseling Psychology. Paper presented at the APA Division 2 (Teaching of Psychology) symposium “Teaching at the Interface of Social-Clinical-Counseling Psychology” American Psychological Association convention, Washington, D.C.
- Hittner,** J.B. & Hart, K.E. (1992). Life Stress, Perceived Social Support and Cigarette Smoking: Failure to Support a Stress-Buffering Model. Convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New York City, March.
- Hittner,** J.B. & Hart, K.E. (1992). Stress Appraisal and Stress-Coping Strategies Among Stress-Resilient Individuals (Optimists). Paper presented at the convention of the Southwestern Psychological Asssociation, Austin, Texas.
- Hittner,** J.B. & Hart, K.E. (1992). Life Stress, Social Support and Alcohol Abuse: Partial Support for a Stress Buffering Model. Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts.
- LaMagna,** R.J. & Hart, K.E. (1992). Biomedical & Emotional Recovery From Myocardial Infarction: Effects Denial- Like Stress Coping Strategies on Short-Term Adjustment. Paper presented at the convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New York City.
- McAleer** M. & Hart, K.E. (1992). Physical Health Status and Anger Suppression in a Clinical Sample of Adult Children of Alcoholics: Comparisons Between Alcoholic Offspring and Controls. Paper presented at the convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New York City
- McAleer,** M. & Hart, K.E. (1992). Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Adult Children of Alcoholics. Presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
- Hart, K.E. (1991). Alcohol Abuse, Gender, and Stressful Life Events: Disentangling Alcohol Related and Non- Alcohol Related Life Stress Events. Paper presented at the convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York City.
- Hart, K.E., Shahani, C. & Bliok,** P. (1991). The Stress Resilient Personality: The 13-Item Sense of Coherence Scale: Evidence Regarding Construct Validity. Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California
- Noell,** G. & Hart, K.E. (1991). A Cross-disciplinary Study of Metatheoretical Assumptions Underlying the Interface of Social-Clinical-Counseling Psychology: A Comparison of US Graduate Training Programs in Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Counseling Psychology. Paper presented at the convention of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Palmer,** M., Shahani, C. Hart, K.E. & Weiner,** R. (1991). Time-Management: A Stress-Coping Strategy: Test-Retest Reliability of the Time Management Behavior Scale. Paper presented at the convention of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York City.
- Patsis,** P. & Hart, K.E. (1991). Relapse to Overeating: The Role of Stress Coping Strategies and Dieting Self-Efficacy in Weight-Loss Maintenance. Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D.C.
- Weiner,** R. Shahani, C., Hart, K.E. & Palmer,** M. (1991). Stress Resilience: Does Sense of Coherence Moderate the Relationship of Time Management Behaviors to Stress Symptomatology? Paper presented at the convention of the New England Psychological Association, Salem, Massachusetts.
- Comer, D., Hart, K.E. & Hittner,** J.B. (1990). Job Stress: Coping With Occupational Stress in the Banking Industry.Paper presented at the convention of the Eastern Academy of Management, Buffalo, New York.
- Embry,** T. & Hart, K.E. (1990). Stereotypical Attitudes Toward People Who Use Alcohol, Marijuana and Hard Drugs. Paper presented at the convention of the Western Psyc Association, Los Angeles, California.
- Hart, K.E. (1990). A Stress and Coping Model of Adolescent Substance Use and Chemical Dependency: Saying No is Not Enough. National Association of School Psychologists, San Francisco, California.
- Hart, K.E. (1990). Adolescent Coping in Relation to Stressful Anger Arousing Situations. Paper presented at the convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, San Francisco, California.
- Hart, K.E. (1990). The Social Psychology of Medical Stigma: Negative Attitudes Towards AIDS and Cancer Patients. Paper presented at the convention of the Western Psyc Association, Los Angeles, California.
- Hart, K.E. & Bliok,** P. (1990). Effective and Ineffective Stress-Coping Strategies for Dealing with Anger Provoking Situations. Presented at the Assoc Advance Behavior Therapy, San Francisco, California.
- Hart, K.E. & Bliok**, P. (1990). The Stress Resilient Individual: Psychosocial Correlates of the Sense of Coherence Scale. Paper presented at the convention of the Western Psyc Assoc, Los Angeles, California.
- Hart, K.E., Bliok,** P. & Hittner,** J.B. (1990). Hostile (Coronary-Prone) Personality and Coping with Stress: Associations to Cognitive and Somatic Emotional Reactivity. Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts
- Hart. K.E., Comer, D. & Hittner,** J.B. (1990). Stress Resilience: Dispositional Optimism, Stress-Coping Strategies and the Experience of Anger. Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Hart, K.E., Comer, D. & Hittner,** J.B. (1990). Stress Appraisals and Coping with Stressful Anger-Provoking Situations. Paper presented at the convention of the Western Psyc Association, Los Angeles, California.
- Hart, K.E., Figlerski, R., Broeder, B., Stalters,** C. (1990). Dieting and Relapse: Coping With Temptations to Overeat at Christmas: A Study of Obese Weight Loss Patients. Paper presented at the convention of the Western Psychological Association, Los Angeles, California.
- Hart, K.E., Figlerski, R., Broeder, B., Stalters,** C. (1990). Correlates of Biomedical Health Indicators in Obese People Losing Weight on a Very Low Calorie Diet. Paper presented at the convention of the Western Psychological Association, Los Angeles, California.
- Hart, K.E., Hittner,** J.B. & Bliok,** P. (1990). Alcohol Abuse: Psychosocial Correlates of an Addictive Behavior. Paper presented at the convention on “Multiple Addictions”, San Diego, California.
- Hart, K.E. Hittner,** J.B., Bliok,** P., Comer, D. & Cardozo, S.R. (1990). Stress Coping Strategies and Anger Reactivity A Naturalistic-Transactional Approach to Understanding Health Risk Processes. Paper presented at the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Francisco, California.
- Hill,** A. & Hart, K.E. (1990). Women’s Health: Premenstrual Distress and Typical Use of Over-The-Counter Analgesics: A Study of Illness Behavior. Paper presented at the convention of the Western Psychological Association, Los Angeles, California.
- Hittner,** J.B. & Hart, K.E. (1990). Expectancies and Health: Perceived Future Illness Susceptibility: Relationship to Personality and Mood. The convention of the Western Psychological Association, Los Angeles, California.
- Clapper, R.L., Cardozo, S.R., Hart, K.E., Evans, R.I. (1989). Measuring Perceived Stress: Development of a Cognitive Stress Appraisal Scale. The convention of the American Psychological Society, Arlington, Virginia.
- Hart, K.E. (1989). Counter-Therapeutic Cognitions Among Dieters: Obsessive Compulsiveness and Food Ruminations in Obese Weight Loss Patients. Paper presented at the convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston, Texas.
- Hart, K.E. (1989). Gender Differences in the Relationship of Stressful Life Events to Alcohol Consumption. Paperpresented at the convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston, Texas.
- Hart, K.E., Cardozo, S.R., Turner, S.H., Paras**, K.C. & Hittner,** J.B. (1989). The Stressful Experience of Anger: Psychosocial Correlates. Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston, Texas.
- Hart, K.E., Figlerski, R., Broeder, B. & Stalters**, C. (1989). Weight Cycling Among Obese Weight Loss Patients: Further Data on Yo-Yo Dieting. Convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, California.
- Hart, K.E., Hittner,** J.B. & Paras,** K.C. (1989). Stress Resilience and Vulnerability: Social Support: Irrational Beliefs, and Anxiety. Convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston, Texas.
- Hart, K.E., Hittner,** J.B., Paras,** K.C & Cardozo, S.R. (1989). Psychosocial Vulnerability to Illness in Hostile (Coronary-Prone) Individuals: Test of a new Theory of Susceptibility. Presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA
- Hart, K.E., Hittner,** J.B., Turner, S.H. & Cardozo, S.R. (1989). Coronary-Prone (Type A ) Irrational Beliefs, Life Stress and Negative Emotional Arousal. Convention of the Southwestern Psych Association, Houston, Texas.
- Hart, K.E., Paras,** K.C. & Hittner,** J.B. (1989). The Stress Resilient Personality Questionnaire: Convergent and Divergent Validity Evidence for the Sense of Coherence Scale. Paper presented at the convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston, Texas
- Vane, J.R., Figlerski, R. & Hart, K.E. (1989). Understanding Relapse: The Importance of Post-Treatment Relapse Prevention Groups in Long Term Weight Loss. Paper presented at the convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston, Texas.
- Hart, K.E., Figlerski, R., Broeder, B. & Stalters,** C. (1989). Repeated and Chronic Relapse:Weight-Cycling Among Morbidly Obese Weight Loss Patients: Biopsychosocial Correlates of Yo-Yo Dieting. Paper presented at the convention of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Hart, K.E., Figlerski, R., Broeder, B. & Bromley,** T. (1989). Severely Obese People Suffering from Addictive Psychosocial Characteristics.. Paper presented at the convention of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Maurio,** F., Meier, M. & Hart, K.E. (1989). Effect of Anger Management Training Upon Components of Coronary- Prone Personality and Corticosteriods in Cardiac Patients. Paper presented at the convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Maurio,** F. & Hart, K.E.. (1989). Relation of (Type A) Coronary-Prone Personality to Hostility, Anger and Anxiety Among Cardiac Rehabilitation Patients. Paper presented at the convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Hart, K.E. (1986). Conceptual Paradigms in Stress and Coping Research: A Meta-theoretical Analysis from A Kuhnian Perspective. Southern Society of Philosophy and Psychology, Knoxville, Tennessee.
- Hart, K.E. (1986). Perceived Stress Among Medical Faculty, Residents and Staff in a Department of Family Medicine. Paper presented at the National Student Research Forum, Galveston, Texas.
- Hart, K.E. & Cardozo, S.R. (1986). A Stress and Coping Model for Understanding Anger Experience and Expression. Paper presented at the convention of the AABT, Chicago, Illinois.
- Hart, K.E. & Cardozo, S.R. (1986). Strategies for Coping with Stressful Anger-Provoking Situations: Cognitive Correlates . Paper presented at the convention of the American Psych Association, Washington, D.C.
- Hart, K.E. & Cardozo, S.R. (1986). Coronary-Prone (Type A) Behavior, Sex-Role Orientation and Social Support Network Size. Convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas.
- Hart, K.E. & Cardozo, S.R. (1986). Ways of Appraising and Coping with Stressful Anger-Provoking Situations: Moderating effect of Coronary-Prone (Hostile) Personality. Paper presented at the convention for the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, California.
- Oser, G.R., Hansell, N.C., Koester, D.T. & Hart, K.E. (1986). A Longitudinal Study of Perceived Stress Among Family Medicine Academic Faculty, Residents and Staff. Paper presented at the convention of the Society for Teachers in Family Medicine, San Diego, California.
- Hart, K.E. (1985). Assessing Health Cognitions: Development and Validation of the Personal Health Attitude Scale. Paper presented at the convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Hart, K.E. (1985). Psychosocial Coronary Risk: Stress Coping Strategies among (Type A) Coronary-Prone Individuals. American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Hart, K.E. (1982). Health Perception and Medical Symptom Reporting Among (Type A) Coronary-Prone Individuals: A Study of Risk-Enhancing Illness Behavior. Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
- Hart, K.E. (1981). Cardiovascular Recovery From Stress among Coronary-Prone (Type A) Personality: A Psychophysiological Study of Coronary Risk. Presented at the symposium on ‘Psychosocial Correlates of Heart Disease’, Ontario Psychological Association convention, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (chaired/organized by myself)