Research Ethics

This webpage and the attached forms are of special interest to undergraduates who are beginning 4th year honours theses (or any other independent research project conducted by an undergraduate).

All research that is done at the University of Windsor must first get research ethics clearance. For undergraduates in the Department of Psychology, this process typically uses the student thesis subcommittee of the REB if the project is deemed to be low risk and will be completed within a 12-month period.  To submit applications for review, please send email to 

Faculty members, graduate students, or undergraduate students who have external funding (e.g., through a grant), need to make applications for ethics approval to the University of Windsor Research Ethics Board and cannot submit to the student thesis subcommittee. 

If you are not an undergraduate, you will find more information on the University's REB website

If you are an undergraduate doing a honours thesis or other independent research, these links and forms will help you.

Application Instructions and Forms for Student Projects

Other Information:

More information

Dr. Michael S. Boroughs

Chair, Psychology Research Ethics Committee