Scholars At Risk

Scholars at Risk (SAR) is a global network based on the solidarity of academics worldwide. It is premised on the simple idea that “when any of us are at risk all of us are at risk.” SAR engages in various activities grouped around protection (giving sanctuary by placing roughly 300 scholars a year in temporary academic positions), advocacy and learning. The University of Windsor joined SAR in 2015 and was a member until 2019. During that time, we engaged in various projects, but the key action was hosting a scholar at risk. In that case, a political scientist had spent two months in a Turkish jail following the 2016 coup attempt in that country. He was eventually released but stripped of his teaching post. We arranged for him to take up a visiting scholar position at UW, teaching in Political Science and Law in 2018.

The University of Windsor rejoined SAR and SAR Canada in May 2022. At the direction of the Provost, the SAR@UW working group was established in June 2022. The membership of the group consists of volunteer representatives of the following campus community stakeholders: deans, faculty/WUFA, GSS, UWSA and OPUS.

A SAR@UW relaunch event was held on October 25, 2022, as part of the University’s commitment to a renewed and sustained engagement with SAR.

Scholars at risk network poster

Download the Scholars At Risk Network Poster

During the 2023-2024 academic year, the University is hosting two SAR scholars, one in Political Science and one in Integrative Biology.

Read the May 13, 2024 DailyNews Article "Scholar finds refuge and voice at University of Windsor"

For any questions, or to get involved, contact Dr. Chris Waters (, chair of the SAR@UW working group.