Our research work includes:
Outstanding Scholar Kendra Hart began working on the project (April 2021).
A pre-research discussion was held in May 2021 with students who recently completed EDUC 1199 and 3399 and engaged in the Concurrent Education Mentoring Student Experience program.
We submitted a research ethics application (June 2021), which was approved by the University of Windsor Research Ethics Board (August 2021).
Outstanding Scholar Holly Mariconda began working on the project (August 2021).
Outstanding Scholar Deborah Laze joined the project team (September 2021).
A benchmarking survey was completed for both mentees and mentors (September-October 2021).
The first two rounds of focus groups were completed (October-November 2021).
We completed the second two rounds of focus groups (February-March 2022).
A conference paper was presented at the UWill Discover Conference (March 2022)
The second quantitative survey is currently being administered (April-May 2022)
A conference paper, Educational Outcomes of a Postsecondary Concurrent Education Student-Mentoring Program, was presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education Conference (May 2022).
Emilia Iacobelli joined our research team to perform the quantitative analysis of our survey data (July 2022).
Three names were randomly drawn, using an online randomizer (https://miniwebtool.com/random-name-picker/). Research participants were then informed regarding their incentives (July 2022).
We have begun writing an edited book (Springer), Mentoring to Support Teacher Candidate Development. A call for chapter proposals was announced in May 2024.