Research Update

Our research work includes:

  •  Outstanding Scholar Kendra Hart began working on the project (April 2021).

  • A pre-research discussion was held in May 2021 with students who recently completed EDUC 1199 and 3399 and engaged in the Concurrent Education Mentoring Student Experience program. 

  • We submitted a research ethics application (June 2021), which was approved by the University of Windsor Research Ethics Board (August 2021).

  • Outstanding Scholar Holly Mariconda began working on the project (August 2021).

  • Outstanding Scholar Deborah Laze joined the project team (September 2021).

  • A benchmarking survey was completed for both mentees and mentors (September-October 2021).

  • The first two rounds of focus groups were completed  (October-November 2021).

  • We completed the second two rounds of focus groups (February-March 2022).

  • A conference paper was presented at the UWill Discover Conference (March 2022)

  • The second quantitative survey is currently being administered (April-May 2022)

  • A conference paper, Educational Outcomes of a Postsecondary Concurrent Education Student-Mentoring Program, was presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education Conference (May 2022).

  • Emilia Iacobelli joined our research team to perform the quantitative analysis of our survey data (July 2022).

  • Three names were randomly drawn, using an online randomizer ( Research participants were then informed regarding their incentives (July 2022).

  • We have begun writing an edited book (Springer), Mentoring to Support Teacher Candidate Development. A call for chapter proposals was announced in May 2024.