Under a transition plan developed by the Parking Operations Sub-committee, all UWindsor faculty and staff were asked to rank their parking lot preferences. The responses were entered into an algorithm which allocated parking assignments based on the employee’s seniority using their University Continuous Service Date.
Here are the current seniority cut-off dates for placement in fully-subscribed lots:
- Lot E – July 1, 1986
- Lot S – September 30, 1987
- Lot I – October 15, 1991
- Lot Q – October 14, 2003
- Lot C – July 1, 2005
- Lot AA – October 2, 2006
Several lots still have spaces available: the Parking Garage, as well as staff lots adjacent to the Human Kinetics Building, the Lebel Building, the Centre for English Language Development (CELD), and the Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research (GLIER).
Yes, a certain number of spaces in each lot were designated for accessible parking. There will also be 18 spaces on the ground floor of the parking garage dedicated to accessible parking.
Yes, however, in devising the process, the committee determined seniority is the fairest way to allocate space.
The University Continuous Service Date for each person was obtained from the Human Resources system and is the most current data for each employee.
Yes, Parking Services will maintain a waiting list to re-assign spaces as they become open. This system will operate on the basis of seniority, rather than first-come, first-served. Please note that no re-allocations will be considered prior to October 31, 2013.
No, if you wish to change to a lot that is currently full, you must add your name to the waiting list.
Yes, all previous waiting lists were rescinded as a result of the re-allocation process. Because the waiting list will operate on the basis of seniority, rather than first come first serve you will not be disadvantaged by re-applying.
Faculty and staff who complete an application for parking will be assigned a spot based on availability, and may join waiting lists for re-assignment.
Spaces for visitors will be available in the parking garage. Departments expecting visitors may use the existing procedure to secure a daily pass. Contact Kim Mcqueen at kmqueen@uwindsor.ca or ext. 2413 with reservation requests.
No, the parking garage will not segregate permit holders. However, the number of spaces will always be held to ensure permit holders an available space, even if they leave and return during the same day.
Yes, the number of spaces will always be held to ensure permit holders an available space, even if they leave and return during the same day.
Yes, similar to the established policy, any employee permit holder will be allowed to relocate into Lots Q or S after 4:30 pm by contacting the parking office to request their gate access card be programmed to allow this privilege.
The rates have been approved by the Board of Governors and are as follows:
$680.00 per year for all lots including the parking garage, save and except Lot AA which is considered a remote lot and is $553.00 per year.
The new rates will take effect July 1, 2013.
The planned closure of Sunset Avenue prohibits vehicular access to some parking lots along that corridor. In other cases, the closure of parking lots will allow for the creation of green spaces in accordance with the Campus Transformation Plan.
1,190 people responded.
948 people—80 percent—received one of their top two choices.
If you have any questions not addressed here, please forward them to Campus Parking Services at parking@uwindsor.ca.