
Justice at Work Conference: Diversity & Inclusion

Students at the 2017 Justice at Work ConferenceStudents at the 2017 Justice at Work Conference

On January 25, 2017, Windsor Law hosted its ninth annual Justice at Work (JAW) Public Interest Career Conference, providing students with an opportunity to engage with leaders in social justice careers. Our Keynote Address was delivered by Assistant Deputy Attorney General (ADAG) Kimberly Murray, who leads the Ministry of Attorney General’s Indigenous Justice Division and was previously the Executive Director of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission (TRC).

Windsor Law students study comparative class action law with law students on two continents

Professor Jasminka Kalajdzic teaching class at Windsor Law Professor Jasminka Kalajdzic teaching class at Windsor Law

Thanks to video conferencing technology and a unique collaboration between Windsor Law’s Professor Jasminka Kalajdzic, Stanford Law’s Deborah Hensler, and Tilburg University’s Ianika Tzankova, Windsor Law students had the opportunity to learn about class action regimes in Canada, the U.S., the Netherlands and Germany, and to engage with students in each jurisdiction — all without leaving Windsor.