Registration Information

Fall 2024 Registration Information



Fall 2023 Registration Information

Course Descriptions Book

Registration Information Session Recording July 12, 2023

Note this session was recorded in July of 2023 and dates referenced in the video are specific to Fall 2023 Registration period. Please refer to the content for guidance on procedures and examples for navigating UWINSITE.



Work Plans for Tracking Degree Progress

Use these work plans to track the progress towards your degree. The templates below are subject to change; remember it is your responsibility to ensure that you fufill all Windsor Law Degree Requirements

Juris Doctor Program Track (version uploaded Sept 13, 2023)

Canadian & American Dual JD Program Track (version uploaded Sept 13, 2023)

MSW/JD Program Track- 3 Year Program

MSW/JD Program Track- 4 Year Program


Other Information: 

Intellectual Property Law Institute (I.P.L.I.) Information (PDF)

Law Library Information (Paul Martin Law Library) 

Payment of Fees (Student Accounts / Cashier's Office) 

Important Academic Dates & Deadlines  

University of Windsor and University of Detroit Mercy Comparative Law Consortium Course Authorization Form (PDF)

In the spirit of academic excellence and transnational law, the University of Windsor Faculty of Law and University of Detroit Mercy School of Law have established a course exchange program. This program will provide interested students with the ability to explore legal issues from an international and comparative law perspective, and gives each student at Detroit Mercy Law and Windsor Law the opportunity to study internationally as part of their legal education. Students in good standing enrolled in the single Juris Doctor programs at either Windsor Law or Detroit Mercy Law may take one course at the other institution, while paying the home institution’s tuition. Allowable courses include classroom and elective courses, and exclude clinical, mandatory first year courses, or other required courses. Each institution will publish, on a semester basis, a list of offered consortium courses. A student’s enrollment in any particular course is contingent upon space being available in the course with priority being given to students at the home school. Courses will count towards the maximum credit hours allowed during a semester, according to the student’s home school and program. Students will be bound by the academic, attendance, and conduct policies of the host institution for the course in which they are enrolled.